September 30, 2020

LynnDaily Devotion

Jonah thought God was being unfair. God had just forgiven and saved the city of Nineveh. Jonah wanted Nineveh destroyed; in his mind it would only be fair. Nineveh was wicked, bloodthirsty, and terrifying. Jonah had not wanted to prophesy to them because he was afraid that they might listen and repent. Jonah knew what that would mean: God would have compassion on them and forgive them (Jonah 4:4).

But God is far more gracious than Jonah could have even imagined. He reached out to the people of Nineveh with the Gospel and saved their lives. Then, he reached out to Jonah to help him understand God’s grace and his love. God is an amazing teacher. He taught Jonah when Jonah least expected it. God used an object lesson that got Jonah’s attention, engaged his emotions, and opened his eyes.

God provided a plant. Jonah had no part in the creation, growth, or life of this plant, but he was emotionally attached to it. He was so happy about the plant. It provided shade and comforted him in the desert heat.

Then God provided a worm. The worm killed the plant. Then God provided a scorching east wind and sunshine so hot that Jonah was about to faint. Jonah was not happy about the worm, the wind, or the sun—and he was angry about the plant.

God had Jonah’s attention. Jonah was concerned about the plant even though he didn’t work for it or make it grow. It was only there for one day. And Jonah cared about it.

Now think about how God felt about the people of Nineveh (even the cows!) God made them; sustained them; and loved them. How could God not want to save them? God’s grace is immeasurable!

The more we learn about God’s love, the more comfort was have in a sinful world and the better we can share it.


God bless,


Here’s Sunday’s service:

Or you can watch it from our website:

Or you can watch is on our Facebook page:

Come to worship! You can sign up here: or call Pastor or call the church office to let us know which service you prefer.


Here is this week’s bulletin:

2020-09-27 The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

2020-09-27 Announcements The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

We Need Your Input!

With everything up in the air due to COVID, our evangelism plans are uncertain.  Your feedback will help us decide if this is a way we want to reach out to our community.

Please take these 3 short surveys:

Trunk or Treat Survey 

Christmas 4 Kids Survey 

Living Nativity 2021 Survey 

We’re Starting Bible Classes! The first Sunday in October (the 4th), we will hold a half hour Bible class downstairs in church after each of our services. You are welcome and encouraged to attend. We will observe whatever the current mandates are and we are going to ask you to clean surfaces at the end of class.

Politics is driving me crazy! This election season is as chaotic as any that we can remember. Talk and drama about the upcoming presidential election are hot. Social media tensions are rising, loved ones are dividing along party lines, and candidates are slinging mud at their opponents. In response, frustrated Christians often wonder what’s happening to America and where God is in the confusion. We’re going to find a calm, biblical approach to politics. Starting Sunday, October 4, we’ll look at how God has set up the government as his instrument of order and how we’re supposed to relate to it. We’ll look at the two kingdoms, the separation between church and state, and our messy political world. It’s going to be great! We’ll meet in the church basement after both Sunday morning services.

We depend on your support to do the Lord’s work. If you would like to support the Lord’s work at Trinity, you may contribute at or you can mail it to

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

1501 Thomas St.

Marinette, WI 54143