November 27, 2020

LynnDaily Devotion

Miraculous Salvation

It’s a miracle!

  • That a righteous, holy God would die for the unrighteous
  • That he rose from the dead after a brutal and ignominious death
  • That Jesus went into hell in victory
  • That baptism saves us through the resurrection of Jesus Christ

Christians are surrounded by miracles and are filled with God’s grace. We should really stop to think about that. Life is so much bigger than what we can see. God is at work in us, through us, and around us. He’s preparing us for a life beyond our imagination.

As we walk in this world, we walk in God’s grace and God’s power. We are growing in faith, strengthening Christian family and bringing the Gospel to people bought by the blood of Christ. And that’s only the beginning!

Jesus is coming back! When he does, everything will change. Evil will be eradicated. Sin will be gone. Death will be destroyed. And life will be perfect and eternal.

All because of Jesus.


God bless,

Pastor Tesch


 here’s the link to find our services from this past Sunday.

P.S. The bulletins for this service can be found here:

Worship folder:


Sign up and join us for either the 6:00pm or 7:30 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Services

Sign up on line and celebrate the Birth of Jesus with us                           Christmas Morning at 9:00 AM



Our food pantry is an expression of God’s love to the people in our community.
You can help share his love by bringing your donations to the church or send with your child at school during our combined food drive with Trinity Lutheran church.
Our combined food drive will run during the weeks of Nov 30th-Dec 11th.
There will be a box placed outside of each classroom door as well as a box placed at church.
The winning class will get to celebrate with a pizza party provided by Trinity PTO!
If you would like to make a monetary donation please write a check payable to: Trinity Lutheran PTO.
We hope to make this a successful food drive and be able to provide to our families in need in our community.  If you have any questions please contact Amy Peterson.

Thank you for your support!