The King Goes to War
When you look at Jesus in the hands of the governor’s soldiers, what do you see? Can you see the King of the Universe going to war to free sinners from the dungeons of hell? Or does it look more like a helpless, unfortunate man suffering abuse at the hands of evil men?
It’s incredible that almighty God won the ultimate victory over all the forces of evil through submission, obedience, humiliation, and sacrifice. It was never about who was stronger. It was about paying a debt, about reconciling sinners, and about justice. To rescue us from condemnation and to free us from hell, our sin had to be atoned for. That would take much more than just smiting the devil. God’s perfect justice had to be satisfied; our debt had to be paid.
Jesus paid it.
He was crushed for the guilt our sins deserved.
The punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)
When you look at Jesus abused and humiliated at the hands of evil men, we see our King paying our debt. We see our Savior satisfying the justice of our holy and perfect God. We see him healing the relationship we broke. We see him winning the war, defeating evil, conquering death, and opening the gates of heaven.
Jesus sacrifice is the most glorious act of selfless love in history. He gave up everything for those who gave him nothing but pain and scorn and rejection. He took our place; he suffered our punishment.
He saved us. Thank God. Really, thank him. Right now. Praise him. Glorify his holy name.
God bless,
Pastor Tesch
We celebrate the End Times at the end of the Pentecost Season. It’s a time for us to remember that we have an appointment before God’s throne. We really want to be ready for that.
Here is the link to this past Sunday’s service:
You can find it on our website at:
Here is the bulletin:
Thanksgiving Worship:
We will be holding special Worship Serve’s in honor of Thanksgiving
Wed. Nov 25 at 6pm & Thurs Nov. 26 at 9am
Christmas Tree of Giving: We want to help those in our church family who are struggling to make ends meet. If your family could benefit from our generosity this holiday season, please fill out a form for each child in that family. All the information is confidential and never given out to anyone. The only information on the tree is the child’s age, if they are a boy or girl and info pertaining to their wish list. Forms need to returned in no later than Nov. 23rd. Please call the church office or Karen Schrank at 715-587-1332 for any additional information. The link is also accessible on our online announcements.