May 18, 2020 – Little Things

LynnDaily Devotion

Did you ever think that God isn’t doing much these days? Evil people are doing evil things and they seem to be getting away with it. Bad things happen to good people and nothing seems to be done about it. Where are the miracles? Where are the acts of God?

What is God doing?

Chapter six of the book of Esther shows God doing something that seems insignificant: someone couldn’t sleep. It seems like nothing, but God used it to save a man’s life, bring evil to justice, save an entire nation from genocide, and protect the plan to save the whole world.

It’s like the proverbial stone in the pond. Don’t ever underestimate what God does with little things.

There was an evil guy who was going to murder an innocent man and wipe out God’s people. He was the king’s favorite, so no one could really stop him. His plan was in place, and he had the king’s permission. What would God do?

It was a little thing.

There was a man who did his civic duty. He reported a plot. It turned out that the plot was real, so the plotters were arrested. But nothing was done for the man who did his duty. That oversight seemed like a little thing.

Then there was the guy who couldn’t sleep. He was the king. Since he couldn’t sleep, he had someone read to him. They read the report of the man who had done his civic duty. The king asked what had been done to reward the man. They told him that nothing had been done. So, the king decided to honor that man. That man happened to be the man whom the evil guy wanted to kill. So, the evil man’s plans started to unravel. And God just kept working from there.

There’s a lot more to the story. There’s courage and intrigue. There is irony and suspense. If you haven’t read the book of Esther, read it. It’s amazing what God does! It’s an excellent story—and it’s all true!

In reality, little things, in the hands of God, aren’t so little.

Whenever you think that there’s so little that you can do, do the little things, the faithful things, the things that please God.

And leave the rest up to him.

2 Corinthians 12:9 (EHV)

9And he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, because my power is made perfect in weakness.”


God bless you,

Pastor Tesch

We have exciting news from the council. Now that the restrictions have been lifted, we can come to worship again! We want to be wise and we don’t want to rush into things, so the council discussed this. Here’s the plan.

Our first Worship will be on May 31. Service times – 8am, 10am, and 1pm, and Monday at 6pm. With social distancing, we can have at least 60 people in the sanctuary at the same time if we include the balcony. Respond to this email or call Pastor or the church office to let us know which service you prefer. Pastor and Lynn will also be calling people to sign up. We will not have Communion yet. We will offer it in June.

We’ll post information on the website, Facebook, twitter and Instagram, it will also be included it in our bulletin, and Pastor will announce it online after services.

To keep our worshipers safe, we will:

  • Remove hymnals from pews
  • Remove children’s bags
  • Remove pens
  • We’re not going to pass plates –  put offerings into boxes in entry on the way in or out
  • Pews, door handles, rails wiped down after each service
  • People sit in every other pew
  • Bulletins will be on a table for pick up
  • Worship folders
  • Announcement sheets
  • No connection cards
  • Hearing aids will be disinfected after each service
  • Recommend wearing a mask, although it won’t be required
  • If you’re not feeling well or have any flu symptoms, please wait until next week.
  • If you’re at risk, we recommend you wait until the pandemic trends down

If you know of someone who would like the service on DVD or the audio on CD, please let us know.

If you would like to support the Lord’s work at Trinity, you may contribute at or you can mail it to

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

1501 Thomas St.

Marinette, WI 54143