Dear Trinity Families,
Here is your Daily Devotion
The prophet Zechariah brought a message of joy and hope to people who needed encouragement. The people of Israel had wandered away from God and had fallen into selfishness and negligence. They were supposed to be rebuilding God’s house. Instead, they were trying to build personal fortunes. Zechariah urged them to return to the Lord’s work. They needed to get ready because the King was coming!
The King would bring salvation. He would break the power of sin and end the rule of Satan. He would bring peace to his people and justice to the entire world. What more reason would anyone need to celebrate?
Five hundred years later, at just the right time, Jesus did come. He came to Jerusalem. He came in humility. He came to suffer in our place. He came to die so we could live.
Today, we celebrate the anniversary of Jesus arrival in Jerusalem. He came for us. He brings forgiveness. He brings peace. He brings us eternal life.
God bless,