Dear Trinity Families,
Here is your Daily Devotion
Isn’t it a wonderful thing to have a friend who understands? Especially when we’re down or hurting, it’s comforting to know that someone is there for us, someone who’s been there.
Jesus is that friend. He knows what we’re going through. He understands pain. He knows what it’s like to be alone. He’s been betrayed and his friends all failed him. He’s faced the impossible. He suffered more than we can ever comprehend. Even though his is the Son of God, he suffered. And he learned obedience from the things he suffered. So, he knows.
When Jesus needed help or when He was hurt, He cried out to His Father in prayer. God heard Him because of His perfect obedience. When we pray, we are heard for the very same reason—because of Jesus’ perfect obedience. He is our perfect understanding friend. He is the source of our comfort and our eternal salvation.
God bless,
Watch this past Weekend’s Worship: Fourth Sunday in Lent Communion Worship
Read along – Worship Bulletin: 2021-03-14 Fourth Sunday in Lent
See what’s going on – Announcements: 2021-03-14 Announcements – Fourth Sunday of Lent
***Or watch any of our Worship Services : Trinity Lutheran Worship Services
A special thank you to all of the members of the congregation who volunteered at the blood drive.
Some members helped by getting the tables and chairs out, some helped at the registration table or canteen area, and some gave the gift of life. For a first time drive we exceeded the goals the Red Cross has set. They projected 30 units and with the help of our members and well as members in the community we donated 37 units which is potentially 111 lives saved..
A sincere thank you to all who were involved in this wonderful community outreach event.
Congregational Budget Meeting: After our 10:00 am worship this coming Sunday, March 21st we will be having a question and answer meeting in regards to Trinity’s upcoming 2021-2022 budget.