GENESIS — Genesis, which means beginnings, was written by Moses. In it, God gives us an account of how the world began and also a history of the ancient world. After the flood, the history centers chiefly around the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. From them God established the nation of Israel. It was to that nation, from Abraham’s seed, that God promised to send us the Savior.
Monday, June 8, Genesis 1
- 1 — How did God create the world? Was it out of something or alone through His Word? Read vv. 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, and 26.
- 7 – The water above and under the expanse is our atmosphere. The NKJV used “firmament” for the :expanse.” NIV and AAT use “expanse.”
- 31 — This verse disagrees with evolution. Evolution argues that we began imperfectly and are developing toward perfection. God’s Word tells us we went from perfection to imperfection.
Tuesday, June 9, Genesis 2
- 4 — Moses introduces a new name for God. The word “Lord” in Hebrew is pronounced, “Yahweh,” or “Jehovah” in English. The Greek word for Lord is “Kurios.” In the New Testament Jesus is given the name “Kurios.” Read Luke 2:11. Jesus, then, is the covenant God referred to in the Old Testament.
- 9 — The Tree of Life gave Adam and Eve the opportunity to live forever. Cf. Gen. 3:22. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil gave Adam and Eve the opportunity to thank God for what He had done for them by submitting to this one command, “Don’t eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.”
- 24 — God here institutes the Holy Estate of Matrimony. That this includes no polygamy is brought out in I Tim. 3:2, 12. It also excludes homosexual marriage as does I Cor. 6:9, 10.
Wednesday, June 10, Genesis 3
Vv. 1-5 — Satan has 3 steps to get us to fall into sin. They have never really changed since Satan introduced them in the Garden of Eden. They are to plant doubt in our minds (v. 1), to lie to us (v. 4), and to tell us we are better off when we sin (v. 5).Vv. 7-19 — The sad results of sin are age-old. They are shame (v. 7), trying to hide from God (v. 8), fear (v. 10), blaming someone else (v. 12), misery (vv. 16-19), and death (v. 19).
- 15 — This verse breathes into our lives hope. It’s the first promise of a Savior. Jesus would eventually crush the devil’s head which He did on Calvary’s cross. Cf. Col. 2:15. Our restoration to eternal life is beautifully described in Titus 3:5-7 and I Cor. 15:20-22, 54-57.
Thursday, June 11, Genesis 4
Vv. 25-26 — In this chapter we see the terrible consequences of sin as Cain murders his brother, Abel. From Cain’s descendants come rank unbelievers. However, hope is in Seth’s descendants who looked forward to the coming Savior. Seth’s wife came from Adam and Eve’s daughters. Read chapter 5:4.
Friday, June 12, Genesis 5
- 5, 31 — Because Adam and Lamech lived as long as they did, Adam may still have been living when Lamech was born. He would have passed on to Lamech, Noah’s father, not only a first-hand account of the tragedy in Paradise, but especially the hope of Gen. 3:15. Noah, therefore, would also have had a reliable account of over 2,000 years of history.
- 24 — Enoch, like Elijah, was taken to heaven without seeing death. This assured the Old Testament believers of the resurrection to eternal life.
Saturday, June 13, Genesis 6
- 3 — How many days of grace to repent did God give the unbelieving world before sending the flood?
- 4 — “Nephilim” is a word which seems to come from a Hebrew word meaning “to attack.” They were giants or tyrants of evil. It reminds one of Rom. 1:18-32.
Vv. 8-10 — Why did God send the flood? That’s because only Noah and his family still believed in the God of Scripture. Marriage with unbelievers had turned all the rest of the believers into unbelievers
(v. 2).