You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace.
Isaiah 55:12
Devotion based on Isaiah 55:12
When the newly engaged couple Face Timed us to share their exciting news, they didn’t have to say a word. Nor did we have to see the rock on the bride-to-be’s finger. The smile on their faces and the sparkle in their eyes said it all. There are some joys in life that not even the best poker face can hide.
The Bible mentions many things that can bring joy: wine, perfume, a wise son, and a kind word are just a few examples. But none of those can come close to producing the joy that God’s Word brings to our hearts. When God’s Word convinces us that all is right between us and a holy God; when God’s Word convinces us that we are freely forgiven of all our sins; when God’s Word convinces us that heaven awaits, our eyes light up and our heels kick. Simply put, what God’s Word accomplishes in our lives changes us.
Not only does it change us, but it also changes those around us. Just like that newly engaged couple could not contain their good news to themselves, we also have the opportunity to go out in joy. We get to go out in joy, confident that the same Word that worked on our hearts and brought us peace will bring joy and peace to others.
Lord, as your Word fills my heart with joy and peace, may it also move my feet to go out with the good news of your Word. Amen.
In Christ Service,
Lynn Smith
While Pastor was away, Pastor Sonnemann brought God’s Word to us at Trinity. He’s teaching the Parable of the Good Samaritan. For our online worship, we are presenting this message about Loving Our Neighbor from Romans 12 that Pastor Tesch presented last August. We didn’t record the entire service, so we are presenting the sermon without the hymns, prayers, etc. We’ll present the entire service again when Pastor returns. God bless you as you love each other the way Jesus loves us.
Here’s the sermon:
Or you can watch it from our website:
Come and worship with us! You can sign up here: or call the church office to let us know which service you prefer.
Here is last week’s bulletin: 2020-07-26-The-Eighth-Sunday-after-Pentecost.pd Check it out.
Old Fashion Picnic – In light of the recent jump in cases of COVID-19 in our local area we are going to have to cancel this years Church Picnic that was planned for the Sunday after Labor Day, September 13).
Lunch Bunch – On Wednesday August 19th at noon the Lunch Bunch will be getting together at The Menekaunee Harbor Park. (across the street from Waupaca Foundry.) Bring a bag lunch and come enjoy friends and fellowship with other members of our congregation.
Preview YouTube video 2019 08 04 Loving Our Neighbor
2019 08 04 Loving Our Neighbor