Trinity Families,
Here is your WELS Daily Devotion
“That’s just what I needed,” says your buddy after you meet him for happy hour after a long day of work. “It’s exactly what I needed,” exclaims your mother after opening your thoughtful birthday gift. “Just What I Needed,” is not just a hit song from the 1970s, it’s also God’s promise regarding his Word to you.
It is somewhat subtle in our bible passage for today but notes the appropriateness of what God’s Word accomplishes. “It yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,” not seed for the eater or bread for the sower. God’s Word appropriately provides. God’s Word always gives us what we need.
So the question naturally becomes, “What do you need today?” Not, “What do you want?” But, “What do you need?” Go ahead. Write five current needs on a piece of paper in front of you or on the notepad of your mind. Now write five needs you’ll need six months from now. A year from now. Five years from now.
Could you do it? As our circumstances change, so do our needs. If I would have asked you in February what your needs would be six months later, I doubt any of us could have guessed what our needs would be in this pandemic. I still don’t know what I need. But God does. Not only does he know your needs, he knows how and when to address them. Just because you may be an adult who provides for others’ needs, don’t lose the comfort and promise of having a God who promises to provide appropriately for your needs. You’re never too old to sing, “I am Jesus’ little lamb; ever glad at heart I am, for my shepherd gently guides me, knows my needs and well provides me” (Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal – 469).
Lord, calm my heart as your Word assures me that you will give what I need when I need it. Amen.
In Christ Service,
Lynn Smith
Pastor Tesch is on vacation. While Pastor is away, Pastor Sonnemann is bringing God’s Word to us at Trinity. He’s teaching the Parable of the Good Samaritan. For our online worship, we are presenting this message about Loving Our Neighbor from Romans 12 that Pastor Tesch presented last August. We didn’t record the entire service, so we are presenting the sermon without the hymns, prayers, etc. We’ll present the entire service again when Pastor returns. God bless you as you love each other the way Jesus loves us.
Here’s the sermon:
Or you can watch it from our website: https://
Come and worship with us! You can sign up here: https://
Here is this week’s bulletin: 2020-07-26-The-Eighth-Sunday-
Old Fashion Picnic – In light of the recent jump in cases of COVID-19 in our local area we are going to have to cancel this years Church Picnic that was planned for the Sunday after Labor Day, September 13).
Lunch Bunch – On Wednesday August 19th at noon the Lunch Bunch will be getting together at The Menekaunee Harbor Park. (across the street from Waupaca Foundry.) Bring a bag lunch and come enjoy friends and fellowship with other members of our congregation.