Jesus Can Use Any Means – August 4, 2021

LynnDaily Devotion

Dear Trinity Families,

Here is your WELS Devotion

Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”
John 6:8,9

Jesus Can Use Any Means

“Is it a keeper?” If your fishing partner has to ask you that about the size of the perch that you’re holding up to the measuring tape, the answer is usually, “No.” If it’s not obvious, it’s likely not a “keeper.” And yet, fishermen like to brag about the size of their catch, no matter how small they are.

Which is why I find it interesting that when fisherman Andrew presented one little boy’s lunch as the disciples were searching for food to feed the hungry crowd, Andrew didn’t just comment on the quantity of fish; he also commented on the size of the fish. “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish.”

Have you ever said or felt something similar when you look at God’s providence in your life? You notice the number of gifts he provides, but you complain about the quantity or the size of those gifts. Your “five loaves and two fish” may be that you have a job, but you quickly qualify it by commenting on the “smallness” of that job, “Yeah, I’ve got a job, but it’s going nowhere.” Or maybe your “small fish” concerns your resident, “Yeah, I’ve got a house, but it’s small and needs a lot of work.” Or, “Yeah, I have my health, but my strength is nothing compared to what it used to be.”

What is the “small” fish in your life? When you throw those fish back because they’re not keepers in your eyes, remember what our God can do with “small” fish. He once used the smallest son of Jesse to become the greatest king in the history of his people. He once used a humble girl from the small town of Nazareth to be the mother of God. Look at Jesus himself. To the rest of the world, he looked like a small fish in a big pond of prophets. Yet, in reality, he was the only “keeper” when it came to be our Savior.

The means that God uses to provide for our lives may seem small. But be assured, nothing is small when those means are in the hands of our loving God.

Lord, give me confidence that no gift is small when it is used by you. Amen.


God bless,


Let’s express our love for Jesus and for each other and Worship together!

Sunday at 9:00am & Monday at 6:00pm

Online Worship Service: 2021-08-01 Tenth Sunday after Pentecost – Pastor Larry Nast

Weekly Bulletin: 2021-08-01 Tenth Sunday after Pentecost


Board of Education Vacancy

Men or women…do you have an interest in providing guidance and oversight for Trinity Lutheran School?  Due to the organizational structure changes enacted by the congregation in April, men and women are able to serve on the Board of Education. If interested, please contact Pastor Tesch or Board of Education Chairman Tim Baneck. Candidates will be appointed by Pastor Tesch and the Church Council. We currently have 1 vacancy and would prefer that a member of Trinity be appointed to serve in that capacity. If we do not have a member to fill the vacancy by September 1, we will then broaden our invitation to non-members.

Youth River Float     Come and invite a friend!

The area youth river float will be Sunday, August 15! It is for grades 6-12.

Adults are welcome to join as well.
We will meet at Grace in Crivitz at 2 p.m. for devotion before going to the river in Crivitz.
The river float usually lasts about two hours, but the timing varies depending on how fast the river is flowing at that time.
All teens should bring
  1. lifejacket
  2. clothes to get wet/swimsuit
  3. Towel.

*If you have a river float and an air pump, bring it along.

There is no cost to attend. For any questions or for more information, contact

Pastor Sonnemann