Dear Trinity Families,
Here is your Daily Devotion
Do we appreciate God’s word? Do we comprehend just how much God does through his word? Do we realize that our life depends on it?
As we read Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, notice how integral God’s Word is in his work. God chose us for salvation so the Spirit called us through his word. He keeps us in the faith by that same word. Then he encourages us and establishes our ministry through that same word.
Is it any wonder that right in the center of these words of praise, Paul tells them to hold on to those teachings? Whether we’re speaking his word or reading it, God is at work in us. So, let’s find ways to share the word: with each other, with family and friends, and with the world. God saved the Thessalonians through the word. He saved us through the word. He wants to save everyone with it.
Let’s appreciate what we have and share it with the people God loves.
God bless,
Pastor Tesch
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Read along -Worship Bulletin: First Sunday after the Epiphany – Baptism of our Lord
See what’s going – Announcements First Sunday after Epiphany – Baptism of our Lord
The First Quarterly Voters’ Meeting of 2021 will be held January 24th after 10:00am Worship Service
Here is a copy of the Constitution & Bylaw Change to Align with WELSSA Standard A2.1 ECM you can also obtain a paper copy at Worship Service Sundays and Mondays.