February 19, 2021

LynnDaily Devotion

Dear Trinity Families,

Here is Daily Devotion

Did you ever try to imagine the depth of God’s love? We know that he created an entire universe for us. We’re familiar with all the gifts and blessings that he provides day after day. We know that he sent his son to die for us. We know that he loves us, but can we grasp how much?

Walking with Abraham as he faces the reality of God’s command to sacrifice his son helps us understand a little better.

We’re stunned when God commands Abraham to sacrifice his only son. Our hearts break when Isaac asks, “Where is the lamb?” We hope against hope with Abraham when he tells Isaac that God will provide. We look aghast as Abraham ties up his son and puts him on the altar. We hold our breath when Abraham lifts the knife. And we breathe again with a deep sigh of relief when God rescues Isaac and provides a ram in his place.

Thank God that Abraham didn’t have to go through with the sacrifice. How could anyone do that? Who could sacrifice his son like that? God could. God did. There was no last second rescue for Jesus. He went through hell for us. And then he died. It’s what Lent is all about: the love that drove him to give up everything to save us.


God bless,

Pastor Tesch


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Lenten Midweek Worship Services

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, the Christian’s 40-day journey with the Lord to the cross and tomb, preparing for the proclamation of Easter. The 40 days are reminiscent of several biblical events: Jesus’ 40-day fast at the beginning of his ministry, Moses’ stay on Mount Sinai at the giving of the Law, Elijah’s fast on his way to the mountain of God.

February 17 – March 24, 2021
Wednesdays at 3:15 or 6:00pm,

Our 2021 Lenten Worship Theme:
The Hands of the Passion

The overall theme for the 2021 Lenten sermons is The Hands of the Passion. The Hands of the Passion explores the many roles hands played during the Passion History, from cheering for Jesus with palm branches to cheering for his crucifixion.