Worship June 7/8

  1. Service times – Sunday at 8am, 10am, 1pm, and Monday at 6pm
    • With social distancing, we can have at least 60 people in the sanctuary at the same time if we include the balcony. Pastor and Lynn will be calling people to sign up.
  2. Call us to sign up for worship! or fill in the form below:
  3. Communion
    • We will offer Communion at these services.
    • The elements will be available on the communion rail on disposable plates and disposable cups (no common cup).
    • After consecrating the elements, Pastor will call the communicants up one family at a time to pick up the elements
    • When everybody has returned to their places with the elements, Pastor will instruct them to eat and drink.

      Communion Service Sign-up

      • MM slash DD slash YYYY

  4. To keep our worshipers safe, we will:
    • We’re not going to pass plates –  put your offerings into boxes in entry on the way in or out
    • Pews, door handles, rails wiped down after each service
    • Bulletins will be on a table for pick up
    • Hearing aids will be disinfected after each service
    • Recommend wearing a mask, although it won’t be required
    • If you’re not feeling well or have any flu symptoms, please wait until next week.
    • If you’re at risk, we recommend you wait until the pandemic trends down


Jun 07 2020


8:00 am
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