Dear Trinity Families,
Here is your WELS Devotion
[Jesus said] “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.”
Matthew 18:15
Do Not Be a Turtle
The other morning I was walking my dog. We came across a large snapping turtle. Even though it could have inflicted much pain on my dog, this snapping turtle wanted nothing to do with my pet. It withdrew its limbs and head into its shell. When we had continued our walk down the road a ways, the turtle finally came out from its shell.
When we see someone struggling with a sin, our first reaction might be to play turtle and withdraw into a shell. It is so much easier to look the other way. After all, we are to live and let live, right? Wrong! Sin affects a person’s relationship with God. It separates the sinner from God. If never repented of, sin can lead to hell forever.
When people are caught in a sin, we are to go to them in humility and love. We are to gently show them their sin and lead them to confess it. But then we are to share the good news! “Jesus died for you. His death has paid for all of your sins. You are forgiven.” As people believe our message, we will have won them over. The angels in heaven will sing for joy!
Lord, thank you for taking all my sins away by your Son’s death on the cross. When others are caught in sin’s sticky web, give me the courage and love so I can be your tool to lead them back to you. Amen.