Dear Trinity Families,
Here is your Daily Devotion
The secret to life is a mystery, impossible to solve. People search for it and sacrifice to find it. But it remains inaccessible, hidden in God. Only God can reveal it and it requires a miracle for the human heart to accept it.
God is a God of miracles. He created the universe out of nothing. And he creates life where there was none. He loves the unlovable and saves the unsaveable. He conquered death and takes life back from the grave. Now he shares the mystery of the Gospel with the world.
The miracle of Epiphany is that he uses people like us to teach it. The Holy Spirit revealed it to the apostles and prophets. They revealed it to the church. The church has revealed it to every generation since.
Revealed what? That Christ Jesus made every believer God’s family, heirs of glory, and members of the same body. Now it’s our turn. We are the church of our age. We hold the message of forgiveness and eternal life. The Holy Spirit works through us to bring light into the darkness and the despair of sin. By sharing the Gospel with people, we bring them into the presence of God!
God bless,
Pastor Tesch
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Watch us – The First Sunday after Christmas Worship Service: Lutheran Live Streams
Read along – The First Sunday after Christmas Worship Bulletin: 2020-12-27 The First Sunday after Christmas
See what’s going – The First Sunday after Christmas Announcement Bulletin: 2020-12-27 Announcements First Christmas after Christmas
*** Christmas Eve Candlelight Bulletin – 2020-Christmas Eve Candlelight
***Christmas Day Bulletin – 2020-Christmas Day
The First Quarterly Voters’ Meeting of 2021 will be held January 24th after 10:00am Worship Service