Monday, September 21, Leviticus 10
Vv. 1-2 — You might wonder why the actions of Nadab and Abihu met with such a drastic response from God. Whatever it was, the point is that they disobeyed the Lord. Their punishment was swift and terrible. In the Old Testament, God demanded the best from His people in their worship. He even prescribed how they were to worship. In the New Testament, we have more freedom in how we worship, but God still demands our best–and certainly He is worthy of nothing less! Paul told the Christians in Rome, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship.” (Rom. 12:1)
Tuesday, September 22, Leviticus 11
Vv. 1-8 — Why were the Jews forbidden to eat certain kinds of animals that we eat today? The purpose of that was to remind them of their sinful uncleanness and that someday Jesus would free them from all their sins by His perfect atonement for their sins.
Vv. 44-45 — While some religions think that the dietary restrictions were for health reasons (often a major emphasis among Seventh Day Adventists), that is hard to prove. They may have had health benefits, but the Lord states the reason clearly in these verses.
Wednesday, September 23, Leviticus 12
Read this short chapter carefully. It does help us to understand the events that surround Jesus’ birth and His presentation in the temple (Luke 2:21-24). What information does comparing this chapter with Luke 2 give us about the financial condition of Mary and Joseph?
Thursday, September 24, Leviticus 13-14
Chap. 13:2 — The Hebrew for “infectious skin disease” could be simply translated “skin disease.” The word is used in the Old Testament for leprosy and other skin diseases.
Chap. 13:45 — Can you imagine what it must have been like to witness this appearance and behavior? Is there anything worse?
That’s the leprosy of sin. It separates us from God. (Is. 59:2) The only cure is God’s grace in Christ. (Eph. 2:4,5)
Chap. 13:47-52 — These verses explain what was to be done with
clothing that had mildew, infected with leprosy.
Chap. 14:7 — While the previous chapter determined who had an infectious disease, in this chapter the priest who acted like a public health inspector, issued God’s regulations concerning a skin disease and mildew that had cleared up. The bird rites resembled the goat on the Day of Atonement (chap. 16). The released bird symbolized the skin disease with its defilement being carried away.
Chap. 14:14-18 — All these rituals that symbolized inward and outward cleansing were to remind the Jews that Jesus would someday bring them perfect cleansing from all their sin by His blood-atonement on Calvary’s cross.
Chapter 14:43-45 — Think of the sacrifice and inconvenience this caused! But a house desecrated by mildew, mold, an infectious disease like leprosy, would be a defiled place to live, so drastic measures had to be taken.
Friday, September 25, Leviticus 15
v.2 — “Bodily discharge” — probably either diarrhea or bladder discharge from various kinds of infections.
Vv. 32-33 — Hygenic considerations are perhaps part of the reason for the regulations, but the holiness of the Lord is the overall concern. These regulations would have helped people stay sexually pure. What is the power to live a Christian life? Read II Cor. 5:14, 15.
Saturday, September 26, Leviticus 16
This is a VIC — very important chapter! It presents “The Day of Atonement,” one of the major Jewish festivals. The goat that was killed and its body carried out of the camp symbolized Jesus’ death to atone for sin (vv. 15, 27). The goat that was sent out of the camp alive illustrated the complete removal of sin (vv. 21-22). What was pictured by the goats was perfectly accomplished by Christ. Read Psalm 103:12 and I John 1:7. The Day of Atonement was to be an annual reminder that someday Jesus’ one sacrifice would atone for the sins of the world. I John 2:1,2.