Bible Reading & Commentary for the Week Sept. 14 – Sept. 19, 2020

LynnBible Reading Guide

LEVITICUSLeviticus received its name because it contains detailed ordinances describing the Levitical worship as it was to be observed in the tabernacle and afterward in the temple. Certain supplements to this Levitical law were added in the book of Numbers.  Though this book contains no direct messianic promise, it is, by the intention of God, one continuous sermon of the salvation in Jesus Christ.  As the New Testament shows conclusively, the entire magnificent system of sacrifices was nothing less than a type of the vicarious sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which was foreshadowed by every bloody offering on the sacred altars in the tabernacle and later in the temple.


Monday, September 14, Leviticus 1

Vv. 3-9 — The burnt offering is the first of 5 major offerings that the priests made for the people of Israel.  When a bull was offered, the officiating priest would keep it’s hide (Lev. 7:8).  With the sprinkling of blood on the altar when either a bull, sheep or goat without defect was sacrificed to the Lord, it reminded Israel that their entire life was atoned for.  It pointed them ahead to Jesus’ one, perfect sacrifice that someday would atone for all of their sins.  (I John 1:7)


Tuesday, September 15, Leviticus 2

  1. 1-2 — The grain offering was to remind the Jews that their food came from God. They owed their existence to Him. When it was done in faith and thankfulness for all of God’s blessings, it had a sweet aroma to the Lord–the Lord was well pleased with it.  Why was Cain’s grain offering not pleasing to the Lord?  Read Heb. 11:4  and I John 3:12.  How are your offerings brought to God?


Wednesday, December 16, Leviticus 3, 4, 5

The next 3 sacrifices, the peace (NKJV) or fellowship offering (NIV), sin offering, and guilt offering were to atone for particular sins committed by the priests, rulers and people of Israel.  All these offerings pointed ahead to Jesus who was the perfect Lamb of God.  His one sacrifice outside the city (chap. 4:21) and His holy, precious blood poured out for us on Calvary’s cross freed us from all sin.  Cf. Heb. 912-14; Heb. 10:11-14.


Thursday, September 17, Leviticus 6, 7

What the priest’s daily sacrifices were unable to do, Jesus did on that first Good Friday for everyone.  Read Heb. 7:27.  In chapters 6-7, directions also are given as to the portion of the sacrifice the priests could have.  They must have eaten well!


Friday, September 18, Leviticus 8

Vv. 23-24 — Why was blood put on the tips of the right ears, hands, and toes of Aaron and his sons?  The ear symbolized the priests’ hearing of God’s Word.  The blood on their hands and toes symbolized their serving the Lord.  Through this act, they were consecrated to the Lord.  They were to use their ears, hands and feet to glorify God.


Saturday, September 19, Leviticus 9

  1. 22 — That blessing, recorded in Numbers 6:22-26, is still used every Sunday in our worship services today.

Vv. 23-24 — The appearance of the “Glory of the Lord” showed that the sacrifices were acceptable to the Lord.  This was not “terrifying” for the Israelites.  When the people saw it, “They shouted for joy and fell face down” (in worship).