Monday, June 15, Genesis 7
v. 2 — The extra clean animal apparently was for sacrifice. (cf. 8:20)
v. 11 — How long was Noah in the ark? Check 8:13-14 for the answer.
v. 16 — The Lord shut them in. When we are in the Lord’s hands, we are completely safe and secure. Read Psalm 46 in connection with this. Luther based his great Reformation hymn on this Psalm. Read and pray hymn 200.
Tuesday, June 16, Genesis 8
v. 20 — What a wonderful example of thanksgiving Noah presents to us! His first act after leaving the ark was to build an altar to worship the Lord.
v. 21 — You may want to underline this verse as a reminder that Noah’s righteousness wasn’t his own. It came by faith in the promised Savior. Read Hebrews 11:7. Like Noah, we all need a Savior because every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood.
Wednesday, June 17, Genesis 9
v. 6 — The reference is to capital punishment. In our New Testament times, that authority belongs to God (Rom. 12:19) and to the government (Rom. 13:4).
vv. 13-16 — Next time you see a rainbow, think of the wonderful promise the Lord gave to Noah.
Vv. 25-26 — This curse against “Canaan” was carried out when Israel, under Joshua’s leadership, conquered Canaan and that land became Israel.
Thursday, June 18, Genesis 10
Note the 3 major divisions listed in the table of nations in chapter 10:
1) Japhethites — settled in Northern Asia and Europe
2) Hamites — settled in Egypt, Canaan, and Assyria
3) Shemites — the source of the Jewish people from whom the Savior would come into the world. Beginning with chapter 11, Bible history will focus on the Shemites.
Use a map or Bible atlas to help you trace the descendants of the Japhethites, Hamites and Shemites.
Friday, September 19, Genesis 11
v. 4 — The purpose of the building of the tower was in direct opposition to God’s command (chap. 9:7). They wanted their name glorified forever instead of God’s name. Read Luke 1:46; 2:14 and Mark 16:15, 16. God’s answer to the tower builders is in vv. 8-9.
Vv. 11 & 32 — Notice how the life span of the human race decreased after the flood. Shem died at 600. Terah lived to be 205. The average life-span since the flood is found in Psalm 90:10.
Saturday, June 20, Genesis 12
v. 1 — Note that when God called Abram, He didn’t give the exact location of where he was going. He was simply to trust in God. At 75 years old, Abram set off with his household and family for “the land I will show you.” Read Heb. 11:8.
v. 3 — How are all families blessed through Abraham? Read Romans 4:16-17. Those blessings are spiritual and come to everyone through Jesus’ work of redemption. He (Jesus) is the atoning sacrifice for our sins and not only for ours, but also for the sins of the whole world.” (I John 2:2)
v. 8 — Abraham “called on the name of the Lord” or more precisely, “proclaimed the name of the Lord.” In a land lying and dieing in the darkness of sin, rays of eternal light streamed from Abraham’s worship