Bible Reading & Commentary for the Week October 18, – October 23 2021

LynnBible Reading Guide

Monday, October 18, Job 8

Vv. 3-6 — Bildad tells Job that there is a particular sin which has caused God’s justice to fall all over Job’s life.  What depression this “friend” must have caused in Job!  God has already told us (1:1, 5) that Job was a sincere believer.

  1. 8 — Eliphaz had appealed to the spirit world (4:12-21) while Bildad points not to Scripture but to the “wisdom” that others in this world offer us. Neither knew nor referred Job to the Scriptures.


Tuesday, October 19, Job 9, 10

Chap. 9:21 — In response to Bildad, Job maintains that he is innocent, yet in 10:1-2, we hear Job asking for an explanation for his pain.  At least Job is looking to God for answers.

Chap. 10:11-12 — This verse and David’s words in Ps. 139:13-16  also teach us that God is the Creator of life in the world and therefore a baby is never to be aborted.

Chap. 10:11-17 — Job recognized God’s kindness as the source and foundation of his life.  It’s too bad that in the middle of trials, his sinful nature led him to assume evil motives on God’s part.  He should have realized that God deals with His people in love, never with evil intent.  That, unfortunately, was one of the major points his friends missed, also.


Wednesday, October 20, Job 11

  1. 20 — Zophar’s words are true in respect to those who die in unrepentant sin. While his words are true, they didn’t refer to Job as Zophar believed. Job’s afflictions weren’t because he was wicked.  God permitted his afflictions to test and strengthen Job’s faith.


Thursday, October 21, Job 12-14

Chap. 12:4, 10, 13 — In reply to Job’s supposed friends who believe Job is responsible for his suffering, Job defends his innocence.  He places himself in God’s hands, who, he believes, created us and all things and has wisdom and power way beyond that of any human being.

Chap. 13:4-5 — Job’s sarcasm lashes out at his friends.  The sad part about it is that what Job describes is true.  His friends are without compassion and do not understand God or how he deals with his children.  Compare Rom. 8:28.

Chap. 13:26 — The friends were trying to resurrect guilt over sins that had already been repented of and forgiven.  That is often a ploy of Satan to throw God’s people into depression.

Chap. 14:1-2 — What an accurate picture of live–even life for believers!  That trouble is due to the fact that we all have a sinful nature and live in a world that suffers from the ill effects of the fall into sin.  Where’s our hope?  Read Rom. 8:37-39.


Friday, October 22, Job 15

Vv. 9, 25, 30 — Eliphaz not only accused Job of being conceited (v. 9), but also of shaking his fist at God (v. 25), that is, defiantly opposing God.  Job’s friends, at least Eliphaz, came to the conclusion that “the breath of God’s mouth will carry him (Job) away…” (v. 30)


Saturday, October 23, Job 16-17

Chap. 16:2-4 — Job’s comforters were like well-intentioned, but horribly rude hospital visitors.  They leave the patient feeling more miserable than when they came.  When we go to “comfort” others, let’s weigh our words carefully.  Real comfort is always, only in the Gospel.

Chap. 16:19-21 — Though Job feels physical and psychological pain from both his illness and the visit of his friends, he still turns to God as friend and counselor.

Chap. 17:7, 11, 15 — Ponder these verses and consider the depth of depression which Job has reached.  Job’s speech begins to sound inconsistent.  Why?  His new nature trusts God; his sinful nature wants to use his suffering as an excuse to blame God for a miserable life.  Those same reactions happen to us, too, during trials and troubles.  This is precisely why it is so important that we remember these comforting and uplifting Bible passages: Heb. 12:5, 6, 11; Ps. 46:1; Ps. 103:11, 12; Ps. 27:1; Ps. 130:7; Is. 40:31