Monday, October 19, Numbers 8
Vv. 24-25 — In chapter 4:3, the age of service is listed as 30. The difference probably reflects a 5-year apprenticeship. At the age of 50, the Levites “retired” from the more strenuous tasks, but were probably still able to participate in some tasks.
Tuesday, October 20, Numbers 9
Vv. 1-14 — As you read this review of the Passover, compare it with Exodus 12. As you read, identify the ways in which the Passover celebration pointed the people’s attention ahead to Jesus.
Vv. 15-23 — The presence of the cloud had to be very comforting for the people of Israel. It told them that God was with them and leading them. We hold a greater and clearer assurance in our hands every time we read the Scriptures. Read Ps. 119:105 and II Timothy 3:15. Commit those verses to memory if you haven’t already done so.
Wednesday, October 21, Numbers 10
Vv. 1-10 — The silver trumpet called the people to gather together in order to move forward to the Promised Land, or into battle. In a similar way, our church bells call us to gather together so we may be prepared through worship and study of the Scriptures to move forward to the Promised Land (heaven) or to do battle with the forces of evil we face in the world. The good news of Jesus Christ is what gives us strength to go forward!
Vv. 33-35 — The Ark of the Covenant was also a symbol of the Lord’s presence with His people. The two tablets of stone in the ark reminded the people of God’s will for them. The atonement cover (“Mercy seat” in the KJV) pointed ahead to how God, in Christ, would atone for their sins. What reminders do you have in your home that help you to remember daily what the Savior has done for you?
Thursday, October 22, Numbers 11
vv. 1-3 — Desert life was hard. The complaints showed a lack of trust in God.
v. 4 — The “rabble” refers to the non-Israelites who went out of Egypt with God’s people. Those who did not know the Lord incited those who did know Him to rebel against Him. The devil today still uses the rabble of the world and those in the church whose priority no longer is God’s Word, to lead us astray.
v. 23 — Moses felt frustrated with the whole situation. The Lord’s answer is a good one for us to understand, too. The Lord’s arm is NOT too short to help us in our times of need.
Vv. 33, 34 The reason for this severe punishment is given in the meaning of the words, “Kibroth Hattaavah (v. 34), Hebrew for graves of craving. After God richly blessed them with what they desired, some still had a rebellious, greedy nature. How ungrateful they were! How God wants us to live you will find in I Timothy 6:6-8.
Friday, October 23, Numbers 12
v.1 — The complaining of the people carried over to Miriam and Aaron as well. They began to speak against Moses because his wife was not an Israelite.
v.3 — True humility is a trait that is not ours by nature. It develops in God’s people as they grow in faith. Sinful pride leads to disaster as we see in the case of Aaron and Miriam (v. 2). Yet we also see God’s mercy at work in repentant Aaron and Miriam. What a lesson!
Saturday, October 24, Numbers 13
v.1 — We’re used to hearing these 12 men described as “spies.” Perhaps “explorers” is a better word because it doesn’t carry with it any sinister connotations (v. 16). All twelve would see the exact same things as they viewed the land. You would think that all of them would come back with the same report. That didn’t happen. The difference was that only two, Joshua and Caleb, looked at the land and its people through the eyes of faith with confidence in God’s promise. (v. 30)
Vv. 26-29 — These verses present the general report. You can already sense that there was a division. All of them appreciated the beauty of the land. Some of the explorers implied that they were afraid of the people.
vv.31-33 — Ten of the explorers were frightened by the people they saw. The term “Nephilim” probably doesn’t refer as much to size as it does to their violent lifestyle.