Monday, May 31, II Kings 1
- 6 — Could King Ahaziah have escaped God’s punishment of death? King Ahaziah was unlike King Hezekiah to whom God granted an extension of life (II Kings 20:6). On King Ahaziah’s part there was no repentance, but defiance of God. Ahaziah’s purpose in sending armed soldiers to Elijah was to take Elijah by force and demand that he retracts his statement. To receive God’s mercy, love, peace, forgiveness and everlasting life we need to put our trust solely and only in Jesus. (Acts 16:29-31)
Tuesday, June 1, II Kings 2
- 11 — While Elijah and Enoch (Gen. 5:24) were taken to heaven body and soul, at death, our soul, but not our body, will be taken to heaven at death. (Eccl. 12:7) However, on Judgment Day God will call our body from the grave and our soul and body will be in heaven forever. (Job 19:25-27; I Cor. 6:14; 15:21-22; I Thess. 4:16-18)
- 12 — The chariot of fire and horses of fire (v. 11) are a picture of God’s heavenly hosts. Elisha saw this again at Gothan (6:17). Both Elisha (13:14) and Elijah were referred to as the chariots and horsemen of Israel. Today that would be like saying, “The pastor stands firm on God’s inerrant, immovable Word.”
Wednesday, June 2, II Kings 3
- 27 — Why did God give Jehoram, or Joram, victory over Moab when he continued in the sins of Jeroboam? There are 2 reasons. One was because Jehoshaphat went with him into battle (v. 14). The second reason is that the sins of Moab were more abominable than those of Northern Israel (v. 27). While heathen religions make you pay even with human life, and you receive nothing in return, God gives eternal life as a free gift of His grace. (Eph. 2:8,9)
Thursday, June 3, II Kings 4
- 32-37 — Both Elijah’s and Elisha’s miracles of raising someone from the dead strengthened the two Gentile women in their faith and in the resurrection to eternal life. (Cf. also I Kings 17:17-24)
Vv. 38-44 — The Lord provides. He removed the “death in the pot” and also miraculously provided food for 100 people–from 20 loaves of bread. How important that you and I learn to trust the Lord’s providence in our daily lives. Isn’t that the thrust of the 4th petition, “Give us this day our daily bread”? What great miracles does this remind us of in the New Testament? (Matt. 14:13-21)
Friday, June 4, II Kings 5
Vv. 2-3 — The Lord often presents us with opportunities to share His love and grace. This young Israelite servant girl was ready to do that. Are we?
- 10 — Elisha’s command to Naaman called for trust in the Lord. When Naaman did what God told him to do, two miracles took place. He was cleansed not only of his leprosy (v. 14), but he also became a believer. (Read vv. 15-19) Both Elijah’s dealing with the widow of Zarephath and now Elisha’s work with the Shunammite woman and Naaman should have told the Jews that the Gospel was not only for them, but also for us Gentiles.
- 27 — Did God go too far, giving Gehazi leprosy? No! The leprosy was to lead Gehazi to repent. Elisha accepted nothing from Naaman to prove the point that the healing was the work of God alone. Gehazi’s action risked undermining Elisha’s ministry.
Saturday, June 5, II Kings 6
- 17 — If God opened our eyes, we’d see, too, what Elisha’s servant saw, God’s majestic, powerful, holy angels all around us. No earthly force can withstand their awesome power. Read Ps. 34:7; Ps. 91:11, 12; Matt. 26:53.
Vv. 18-23 — Because the Syrian soldiers realized they were captured by God’s doing, who permitted them to live and receive their eyesight, they were able to report to their king might and glory of God. They were living proof of it.