Bible Reading & Commentary for the Week May 24 – May 29, 2021

LynnBible Reading Guide

Monday, May 24, I Kings 19

  1. 8 — There is a similarity between Elijah and Jesus in that they had no food for 40 days and 40 nights. Their spiritual life, however, was vastly different. Elijah, at this point in his life, was fearful, weak in faith, running away from his job. Jesus, on the other hand, during His fasting in the wilderness, was overcoming victoriously for us Satan’s temptations, living for us a sinless life.

Vv. 11-12 — What was Elijah to learn from the tumultuous wind, earthquake, fire and the still, small voice? The first 3 represented God’s judgment against sin. They brought fear from God. Read chapter 18:38-39. However, it’s through the gentle, still small voice of the Gospel that God changes the hearts of sinners and makes them into believers and confessors for Jesus Christ. An excellent, moving review of the Gospel is in this Reformation hymn, number 204.


Tuesday, May 25, I Kings 20

  1. 28-30 — The reason for this great victory was not only to prove to Ben-Hadad, but also to King Ahab and Israel, that the God of Israel was the Lord. Numerically, Ben-Hadad should have won. Read verse 27 carefully. Due to God’s intervention, Ben-Hadad didn’t have a chance. Even today, though our enemies may far outnumber us, trusting in the Lord, we are safe and secure. Read Psalms 46 and 91.


Wednesday, May 26, I Kings 21

Vv. 27-29 — Jealousy, selfishness, and lying were not only sins that King Ahab and Queen Jezebel committed, but we can be involved in them, too. Ahab‘s repentance here was a true one, but it didn‘t last. Ours will be a lasting repentance if we are faithful in attending Holy Communion and in building our lives on the Gospel. God’s Means of Grace will cause us to live repentant, truly peaceful, happy and contented lives.


Thursday, May 27, I Kings 22

  1. 5 — For the most part of his reign, King Jehoshaphat was faithful to the Lord. Like every Christian, he had lapses into sin. For example, he failed to follow Micaiah’s warning in v. 17, and as a result, he almost lost his life. The difference between Jehoshaphat and Ahab can be seen in II Chronicles 19. Jehoshaphat didn’t turn away from God’s reprimands as Ahab did. His faithfulness to the Lord can be seen in II Chronicles 19-20.

Vv. 37-38 — God’s judgment upon Ahab and later upon his sons proves to us that God hates sin. To stand before God as Ahab did in defiance of God, brought down upon Ahab God’s fearsome anger and eternal punishment. Only through faith in Jesus do we experience God’s love, mercy, compassion, forgiveness and everlasting life. Cf. John 3:16.


Friday, May 28, Psalm 22

This is an excellent Psalm for good Friday, written by David in 1,000 B.C.  He vividly describes Jesus’ suffering, necessary to free us from sin’s condemnation.


Saturday, May 29, Job. 19:23-27

In vv. 23-27, Job clearly describes the glorious work of Jesus, our Resurrected Lord.  This was possibly written in 900 B.C.