Monday, March 8, I Samuel 7
Vv. 4, 6, 10 — Baal was a male fertility God and Ashtoreth was a female one. The worship of Baal involved prostitution and sometimes even child sacrifice. Read Jer. 19:5. That Israel truly repented is evident as God helped them overcome the Philistines.
Vv. 16-17 — Today we might compare Samuel to a circuit pastor. He actually fulfilled 3 offices, that of a prophet (v. 3), priest (v. 10), and king (v. 17). While Samuel is a type of Jesus, Jesus became our perfect prophet, priest and king.
Tuesday, March 9, I Samuel 8
Vv. 5, 7, 19-20 — To have a king in itself was not wrong. It was Israel’s reasons for wanting a king that were sinful. To have a king and to be like other nations meant they were rejecting God who had promised to be their Savior, Provider and Deliverer. God grant that materialism and humanism don’t become a ruling influence in our lives but that the Lord remains our Savior, Provider, Creator and Deliverer.
Wednesday, March 10, I Samuel 9
v. 21 — In regard to Saul and David, the first two kings of Israel that God chose, they were the least, the lowliest of men. That God did great things through these men teaches us that the success of God’s kingdom is in the Lord’s hands. The great, mighty and gracious blessings of God that occur in our lives are not because of us, but because of the Lord. Read Eph. 2:4-9. He, therefore, deserves all praise, honor and glory.
Thursday, March 11, I Samuel 10
Vv. 5, 6, 9 — It certainly is obvious from God’s Word that the Holy Spirit took hold of Saul’s heart. That doesn’t mean the
Holy Spirit can’t be lost by us. In Saul’s case, we’ll see that is what happened. It wasn’t God’s fault, but it’s always the human being’s fault.
God’s Word tells us why men are lost in Matt. 23:37, Hosea 13:9 and Acts 7:51.
Friday, March 12, I Samuel 11
v.13 — Saul, here, shows 2 characteristics of a godly king. He is merciful to those Jews who despised him and he publicly admits that it wasn’t he, but the Lord who accomplished the victory. Compare that to the pride, boasting and lack of humility of men in high office in our government today.
Saturday, March 13, I Samuel 12
Vv. 20-24 — In his “farewell” sermon to the people of Israel, Samuel shows that his heart is with the people. He doesn’t tell them what they want to hear, but what they need to hear. They had sinned, but were to turn back to serve the Lord (v. 20). Samuel would pray for them and teach them what is good and right (v. 23). Out of thankfulness for all the great things God has done for them, the people are called to fear (respect) the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all their hearts (v. 24). As God did with Samuel, so God gives pastors the same responsibilities today. They are to pray for the people they serve. A pastor will tell his people what they need to hear–not what they want to hear. Called to repentance and forgiveness, the people of God are then encouraged to serve the Lord in thankful love.
Vv. 24-25 — What the Lord wrote here, we also need to keep in mind. Samuel’s God-inspired words came true time after time in Israel’s life. Only when we fear the Lord and serve Him with all our hearts, will God do great things for us, as he’s done for our congregation in the past, and will continue to do in the future.