Monday, March 29, I Samuel 25
- 37 — Nabal reminds us of Jesus’ parable of the Rich Fool. The rich man said, “I have plenty of good things laid up for many years. I will take life easy, eat, drink and be merry.” But God said, “This very night your life will be demanded from you.” (Luke 12:18-20) Let’s never be like Nabal, who was like the Rich Fool. Read also I Tim. 6:6-10. Let’s rather heed God’s Word, “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.” (Rev. 2:10)
Vv. 42-44 — While God permitted David to have more than one wife, this was not God’s intentions for marriage. Read Gen. 2:24 and I Tim. 3:2, 12.
Tuesday, March 30, I Samuel 26
- 9 — As David didn’t rebel against an unjust government, neither can we. Read Rom. 13:1,2. The only time we can disobey government is when government passes laws that oppose God’s Word. (Acts 5:29)
- 12 — Incidences like this in David’s life remind us of Ps. 46. Luther, many years later, based his great Reformation hymn, No. 200, ‘A Mighty Fortress is our God,” on that beautiful Psalm. Another wonderful Psalm to read in connection with v. 12 is Ps. 121. Trusting in the Lord and walking in His ways, we need never be afraid.
Wednesday, March 31, I Samuel 27
Vv. 1-5 — David spent one year and 4 months in enemy territory. He didn’t belong there and should have trusted God to protect him. He lacked courage of conviction. Even the best of us aren’t perfect. We all need a Savior and have that Savior in Jesus. Trusting in Jesus, God makes us this wonderful promise in II Timothy 4:18, “The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom.” As we study David’s life, God did do that for David. David didn’t lead a charmed life, but a God-protected life.
Thursday, April 1, I Samuel 28
- 19 — There are some things unclear in Saul’s encounter with the witch at Endor. A few facts are clear. Saul knew it was a sin to do what he was doing (vv. 8-9, Deut. 18:10-13 and Lev. 20:27). God also used what went on here to foretell Saul’s and his sons’ impending doom. (vv. 16-19)
Friday, April 2, I Samuel 29
Vv. 9-10 — God is a gracious God. He moved the hearts of the Philistines to send David away. Yes, God can get us out of the pickles we get ourselves into. What a marvelous God we have! This should certainly move us to live in daily repentance.
Saturday, April 3, I Samuel 30, 31
Chapter 30:6, Chapter 31:4 — While David found his strength in the Lord, Saul committed suicide. His suicidal death tells us he gave up on God. How do we keep from ending up as Saul did? We need faithfully to use the Means of Grace, the Gospel in Word and Sacrament. The Holy Spirit, through them, will strengthen our faith and keep us faithful to Jesus.
Chapter 31:11-13 — The only instance mentioned in the Bible of a cremation.