Monday, July 6, Genesis 25
- 8-– Who were these people Abraham was “gathered to” in death? Only he and Sarah were buried in the Cave of Machpelah. These were the believers who had preceded him in death and now were in heaven. Cf. Heb. 11:4-16; Matt. 22:31-33.
- 34 — In the Christian congregation, we have those who are like Esau and Jacob. Esau had many earthly blessings and chose them over God’s Word. Let’s not despise God’s astounding spiritual blessings and sell them for the material pottage of this world and end up in hell, as Esau did. Cf. Heb. 12:16.
Tuesday, July 7, Genesis 26
- 1-12 — In spite of the fact that Isaac almost ruined his marriage in the land of the Philistines, took his Christianity lightly and showed weak faith, the Lord preserved his marriage, protected him, and even richly blessed him. How true the words of Psalm 103:10-12 are! Please read them.
Vv. 34, 35 — How often don’t we have a replay of that today, where a son or daughter creates grief for parents by marrying a non-Christian or someone of another religion which teaches contrary to God’s Word. Why does that create grief for Christian parents? What advice does the Apostle Peter give Christians involved in such a marriage? (I Peter 3:1)
Wednesday, July 8, Genesis 27
- 35 — Isaac was correct. Jacob got the blessing in a dishonest way. In v. 20, when Jacob said to Isaac, “The Lord your God gave me success,” this was lying using God’s name. Practicing such deceit brought sadness into his life, just as it will in ours if we practice dishonesty. The ironic part is that this WAS his birthright, and God would have given it to him in His own time (chap. 25:23). The price he had to pay for his deceit was being deceived many times by his Uncle Laban. Jacob left behind prosperity and had to do back-breaking work for 20 years. He also never again saw his mother alive after he was forced to flee to escape the wrath of Esau.
Thursday, July 9, Genesis 28
Vv. 12-16 — In this beautiful dream, God was assuring repentant Jacob that He would be with him. Especially comforting and reassuring to Jacob was what was missing in Isaac’s blessings. God assures him that through his seed the Savior will come. It’s in the words, “I am the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and in your seed all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Notice the difference between that and Isaac’s blessing in chapter 27:27-29.
Friday, July 10 Genesis 29
- 17 — Perhaps the phrase “weak eyes” or “delicate eyes” means only that they reflected a personality that was less than sparkly. Her name, Leah, meant “gazelle.” Jacob was attracted to Rachel who was “lovely in form and beautiful.” He would run into some problems and challenges because of Rachel.
Vv. 23-25 — Both Leah and Laban were guilty in this deception. Notice that Jacob takes the deception meekly. The reason is he probably realized his guilt in deceiving Isaac and this was God’s way of chastening or correcting him.
- 30 — While God permitted polygamy in the Old Testament, God didn’t condone it. Plural marriages followed heathen customs (Gen. 4:19). In Gen. 2:24, God instituted marriage, not with three, but 2 in mind, a husband and wife.
Saturday, July 11, Genesis 30
- 14 — A “mandrake” was a fragrant fruit that was considered a cure for barrenness. It seems that having children was Rachel’s and Leah’s method of competing for Jacob’s love.
v. 24 — Notice the names of Jacob’s children (beginning with Reuben in 29:32 and ending with Joseph in 30:24). Of all the blessings that were coming to Jacob’s life, his children were certainly the most important. As you finish reading Genesis, try to follow the history of these children. From them, the 12 tribes of Israel come. Keep in mind the later arrival of the son, Benjamin (Gen. 35:18). From Judah, the promised Savior would come (Gen. 49:10).