Bible Reading & Commentary for the Week July 26 – July 31, 2021

LynnBible Reading Guide

Monday, July 26, II Chronicles 1

Vv. 10-12 — From Solomon’s prayer, we can learn a valuable lesson.  Let’s not only ask for things that would benefit us personally in an earthly way.  Rather, ask for blessings for ourselves that will help us enrich the lives of others, especially spiritually.  Consider the blessings God gave Solomon in answer to his humble, wise request.


Tuesday, July 27, II Chronicles 2

  1. 6 — How grateful we should be that God, whom the highest heavens cannot contain, humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even the death on the cross. The outcome of that reconciling work for us is everlasting life. Read II Tim. 1:9, 10


Wednesday, July 28, II Chronicles 3

  1. 1 — The temple Solomon built must have been ravishingly beautiful. It was to reflect the glory and majesty of God. However, the most important purpose for which it was built is brought out in v. 1. Verse one shines with something that far surpasses all the gold in this world.  God’s amazing love is revealed there.  Mt. Moriah, upon which the temple was built, was the place where Abraham had intended to sacrifice Isaac as God had commanded him.  Having passed God’s test of faith, the Lord provided an animal sacrifice instead of Isaac.  What happened at Mt. Moriah was to remind Israel that God would someday sacrifice His Son to free us from sin’s condemnation and open up to us a life of superb riches and glory in heaven that we can all enjoy forever.
  2. 8 — The Most Holy Place in the temple was where the priest would enter once a year on the Great Day of Atonement. Blood sprinkled on the Mercy Seat was to assure Israel that all their sins for the past year were forgiven. (Cf. Lev. 16:14) That annual sacrifice was to remind them of the coming atonement of Jesus which would do perfectly what no earthly sacrifice could do. Read Heb. 9:12.


Thursday, July 29, II Chronicles 4

  1. 2 — The “sea” was a large basin in which the priests washed themselves (v. 6). Did you notice from chapters 3 and 4 that the Israelites didn’t worship in an empty building? It had furnishings.  While the furnishings in their worship pointed TO what Jesus would do for them, the furnishings in our churches, many of them, remind us of what God HAS DONE for us in Christ.  They are there to enhance our worship.


Friday, July 30, II Chronicles 5

  1. 6 — Think how lavish this offering to God was! It wasn’t always that way for Israel. A Christian congregation who searches daily into the depths of God’s love in bringing about our eternal salvation will be lavish in their offerings to the Lord.  How would we as a congregation show up on God’s spiritual thermometer?
  2. 14 — God’s glory fills our house of worship, too, on Sunday mornings. That glory is revealed in His precious Word which gives us undeserving sinners forgiveness of sins and everlasting life. Nothing else in life brings us that uplifting comfort, soaring joy and hope.  That’s why we sing:

O Jesus, King of Glory, Both David’s Lord and Son,

Your rule endures forever, in heaven is Your throne.

Help that in earth’s dominions, From pole to farthest pole,

Your reign may spread salvation to each benighted soul.

(Hymn 94:1)


Saturday, July 31, II Chronicles 6

Vv. 18, 21 — Think what a mighty God we have!  From both verses it would indicate that there is more than one use of the word “heaven.”  Could God’s dwelling place be beyond the universe He created?  In reference to this possibility, read also Eph. 4:10.