Bible Reading and Commentary for the Week September 19th – September 24th 2022

Amber McMahonBible Reading Guide

EZEKIEL ‑‑ This book was written by Ezekiel, a prophet and priest.  He was one of the many Jews carried into Babylonian Captivity from Jerusalem in 597 B.C.  Ezekiel brought a grim warning from God to the Jews in Babylonia who were living in comfortable surroundings, but had not turned from their grievous, idolatrous practices.

Monday, September 19, Ezekiel 1

5‑6 ‑‑ The 4 living creatures are cherubim (angels). Ezekiel speaks of them as cherubim in chapter 10:14, 15. There are apparently different orders of angels in the Bible.  In Genesis 3:24 we have the cherubim guarding the Garden of Eden.  In this chapter the cherubim are described in great detail.  In Isaiah 6:2, the angels are called seraphim.  Each one had 6 wings.  Cf. also Col. 1:16.

10 ‑‑ The living creatures, cherubim, are able to carry out God’s will perfectly because they have the combined intelligence and power of the representatives of the 4 different classes of living creatures.

25‑28 ‑‑ In Ezekiel’s vision, he saw the magnificent glory of God. It was to prepare him for the tough work that was ahead in his ministry. The following chapters will unfold that to us.  Read also Rev. 1:12‑16


Tuesday, September 20, Ezekiel 2

1‑2 ‑‑ “Son of man” is a term used 93 times in Ezekiel. As a son of man, Ezekiel was weak and not up to the task.  Who gave Ezekiel the courage to speak to a rebellious nation?  It was the Holy Spirit (Luke 12:12).  The phrase, “Son of Man,” is also used in the New Testament.  Jesus spoke of Himself as the Son of Man.  In that role He was our human substitute.  Because He also was God, He was able perfectly to atone for all of our sins and bring us eternal salvation.

Wednesday, September 21, Ezekiel 3

1‑3 ‑‑ The content of the message on the scroll is in chapter 2:9‑10. Ezekiel had a Law message to preach to Israel. How could that taste sweet to Ezekiel?  Through the Law, the Holy Spirit helps us see our lost, sinful state.  Until the sinner comes to grips with that fact, they’ll never be willing to listen to the sweet Gospel message of forgiveness.


Thursday, September 22, Ezekiel 4

5‑6 ‑‑ The 430 days could have referred to the 430 years of Israel’s exile in Egypt. (Ex. 12:40) Ezekiel’s use of 430 might have said to the exiles: “Just as in the past we became subject to another nation, so God has let it happen again.”

16‑17 ‑‑ Ezekiel foretells the siege of Jerusalem to the Israelite exiles in Babylonia, vv. 1‑2. The horrors of it are described in vv. 16‑17.


Friday, September 23, Ezekiel 5

8‑12 ‑‑ These verses describe the horrible punishment God will bring down upon His rebellious people. If the punishment is dreadful in this life, think what it must be like in hell!  Did Israel deserve it?  Read v. 7b.  To those, however, who remain faithful to the Lord, comes this wonderful promise: “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.” (Rev. 2:10)


Saturday, September 24, Ezekiel 6

1‑4 ‑‑ By speaking out against the mountains, God, through Ezekiel, is really striking at the cults in Israel who practiced their sacrilegious, immoral worship on those mountains. Read what the Lord intended to do with that false worship in v. 4.

8‑9 ‑‑ The remnant were those who hadn’t hardened their hearts against the Lord. The terrible punishment of God would bring them to their knees in repentance. From them, God would centuries later, send His Son into the world to redeem us from the corruption of sin and again open to us eternal life.  Read Luke1 and 2; Jer. 29:10 and Luke 1 and 2.