Bible Reading & Commentary for the Week Feb 8 – Feb. 13, 2021

LynnBible Reading Guide

Monday, February 8, Judges 13

Vv. 4, 5, 7 — The Hebrew word for Nazarite means “separated” or “dedicated.”  Samson’s life was to be dedicated to the Lord (as was Samuel’s and John the Baptist’s).  Verses 4 & 5 describe how he was to live.  Also check Numbers 6:1-8.  As Christians, our lives are also to be dedicated to the Lord.  All we do is to be done to God’s glory.  (Read I Corinthians 10;31)

Vv. 21-22 — “The Angel of the Lord” is often a reference to the pre-incarnate Son of God.


Tuesday, February 9, Judges 14

Vv. 3-4  — What Samson did in seeking a Philistine wife was wrong.  Read Deut. 7:1-4.  However, the Lord uses the sinful weaknesses even of the Christian to bring glory to His name (v. 4).  While there is no passage in the New Testament where God says, “Thou shalt not marry an unbelieving spouse,” God warns against such a foolish move and its dangers in II Cor. 6:14-18.


Wednesday, February 10, Judges 15

Vv. 11-13 — Sin makes cowards of us all.  To save their own lives, Judah was willing to sacrifice Samson.  In what ways has sin made you a coward?  Only the Gospel makes us morally strong and sure of the hope of eternal life.

Vv. 14-15 — Samson’s power and strength did not come from within him.  It came from the Lord.  While his physical strength served the Lord’s purpose, the apostle Paul described a more important strength, a strength that only the Lord can provide.  Read Ephesians 6:10-17.


Thursday, February 11, Judges 16

  1. 1 — It certainly was a sin for Samson to do what he did. In the Mosaic Law it was punishable by death. (Lev. 20:10)  His lack of moral strength brought him deep misery and unhappiness. (v. 21)

Vv. 19-20 — Ultimately, the source of Samson’s strength was God himself.  How tragic that Samson was unaware that he had betrayed his calling.  He permitted an unbelieving woman to rob him of the sign of his special dedication to the Lord.  How often we allow the devil, the world or even our own sinful flesh to lead us away from God.

Vv. 26-30 — Did Samson commit suicide?  Samson did not take his life.  God ended his life.  According to Heb. 11:32-34, Samson died in faith.


Friday, February 12, Judges 17

  1. 6 — Micah, like most of Israel, did what was right not in God’s eyes, but in his own eyes. Micah involved himself in idolatry (v. 5) and tried to cover it up by hiring a renegade Levite to play the part of a priest (vv. 9-10). All the priests were to be descendants of Aaron. (Ex. 29:9)

Vv. 10-11 — This Levite was involved in idolatry.  He tried to have one foot in God’s kingdom and one in the world.  God says, “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.”  (Matt. 4:10)  Because of the sad level of Israel’s spiritual life, the priests and Levites were probably not being taken care of as God required.  Yet, this man prostituted himself spiritually for the sake of cash.


Saturday, February 13, Judges 18

Vv. 5-6 — The tribe of Dan had been unable to conquer their allotted land next to the Philistines, so they went looking for another area north of Galilee.  They came to Micah’s priest to find out “whether our journey will be successful.”  The Levite told them what they wanted to hear.  When the army passed by Micah’s home on their way to conquer the new land, they took the priest with them.  He was apparently willing to go because he thought it was a better offer than Micah made.

  1. 24 — Micah was concerned about the loss of his gods who could not even protect themselves. We hear him utter the agonizing cry of someone whose faith is centered in helpless, man-made gods. Whether a person’s idols are made of wood and stone, currency or selfish pride, there comes a time when these gods are revealed for what they truly are.  Read Ps. 115:4-8.  The Savior-God revealed in the Scriptures is the only true God!  Only in Him do we find unsurpassing support, peace, hope, forgiveness and everlasting life.