Bible Reading & Commentary for the Week December 6 – December 11, 2021

LynnBible Reading Guide

Monday, December 6, Psalm 32

  1. 3-4 – These verses make many believe that David wrote this after Nathan approached him with his sin (II Sam. 12). Notice how David’s conscience reminded him of his sin, as ours does for us. It feels like we are wasting away.
  2. 5 – In the world, people can be sorry, but not know forgiveness. With God, when we are truly sorry and put our trust in Jesus, as David did, we are completely forgiven. What a joy to hear the pastor’s absolution every Sunday!
  3. 9-11 – Let’s never be stubborn like the horse or mule and refuse to repent. What such people experience, David describes in v. 10. In contrast, the repentant Christian who trusts in the Lord rejoices and shouts for joy because he experiences God’s mercy and unfailing love.


Tuesday, December 7, Psalm 33

  1. 6 – Neither the human being nor chance brought this world into existence. As the Psalmist points out to us, “By the Word of the Lord the heavens were made.” (Read Genesis 1)
  2. 12 – Important words for our nation to take to heart. God grant that many in our country put their trust in the Lord. In the Old Testament, the Lord was the name God used through which He promised to send the Savior. May our prayer today and every day be that God would bless our evangelism endeavors in our country through our congregation and Synod and that many would be brought to faith in Jesus Christ. The rich blessings on a country whose God is the Lord are mentioned in vv. 18-20.


Wednesday, December 8, Psalm 34

  1. 3 – Why should we exalt and glorify God’s name? The answers are in vv. 7, 8, 15, 17 and 18. Underline these verses.
  2. 8 – The beautiful words of verse 8 are a part of the liturgy on page 39 of The Service of the Word.
  3. 20 – St. John quotes these words in his Gospel in reference to Jesus’ crucifixion. Cf. John 19:36.

Thursday, December 9, Psalm 35

  1. 9 – As David had enemies that caused difficulties in his life, so do we. They are the devil, the world and our sinful flesh. In the midst of the adversity they cause us at times, there is always a continual ray of sunshine and unfailing hope, and that’s David’s words, “Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord and delight in His salvation.” (v. 9)


Friday, December 10, Psalm 36

  1. 5-6 – Earthly blessings God pours down upon everyone, on both the evil and the good. Cf. Matt. 5:45. However, spiritual blessings, which are the best of God’s blessings, are only enjoyed by those who accept Jesus as their Savior. “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.” (Eph. 1:7)
  2. 7 – God’s loving-kindness or unfailing love is revealed to us in Jesus. It gives us and holds out to us peace of mind, forgiveness of sin and everlasting life. The “shadow” in this verse is a picture of God’s protection.  For the Israelite, it was like finding shade from the oppressive heat of the hot desert sun.  Wings refer to the protective outreach of God’s power.  Think how God protected David from Goliath and King Saul, and brought him home safely from the many battles in which he fought.


Saturday, December 11, Psalm 37

  1. 4, 7, 8, 16, 21 and 25 – Underline these beautiful verses.
  2. 9, 11, 29 – In verses 9 and 11, the NIV used “land” instead of “earth.” God is promising Israel that if you remain faithful to Me, the land you possess and its bountiful blessings will be yours forever, that is, until I bring this world to an end. Read II Peter 3:10.
  3. 39 -Both Old and New Testaments are clear in many passages that our salvation doesn’t come from us in any shape or form, but from God. “Now this is life eternal: that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” (John 17:3)

hymn to conclude the book of Job is hymn number 429, “What God Ordains is Always Good.”