JOSHUA — The author of Joshua was possibly Samuel. The time in history was about 1400 B.C. The book contains the conquest of Canaan by the people of Israel under the leadership of Joshua. Joshua is a type of Christ. His name means, “The Lord Saves.” As he led Israel victoriously into the Promised Land, so Jesus leads, guides and safely brings us Christians into the real Promised Land, our home in heaven.
Monday, December 28, Joshua 1
- 5 — While God made this great promise to Old Testament Israel, He makes that same wonderful promise to all Christians in Heb. 13:5, “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” A cornucopia cluttered with cars, cash, and credit cards does not insure a full and happy life. The Lord’s gracious presence does.
- 8-9 — These words of the Lord apply to any generation of Christians. As they were true then, so they are true now.
- 14 — While the land on the east side of the Jordan had been conquered, the land on the west side where Christ later would be born, still had to be conquered. This is why Joshua reminds Reuben, Gad and Manasseh of their responsibilities.
Tuesday, December 29, Joshua 2
- 1, 8-11 — This chapter tells us of Rahab’s conversion and her work of protecting the spies. She is included in the family tree of Jesus. Cf. Matt. 1:4,5,6. The conversion of this Gentile woman, who was an ancestor of Jesus, tells us why Jesus came into the world. It was to save not only sinful Jews, but also sinful Gentiles.
Wednesday, December 30, Joshua 3
- 3 — The ark of the covenant symbolized God’s presence with His people. The Israelites were to know that in this challenging time, the Lord was with them, in fact, leading them.
Vv. 15-16 — A miracle reminiscent of the time the previous generation left Egypt. It encouraged the Israelites, but worked
fear in the hearts of the Canaanites (5:1) Many of the Psalms are reminders of God’s mighty presence in our lives. Read Ps. 46 today.
Thursday, December 31, Joshua 4
- 4-9 — An important memorial is described in this chapter. Twelve stones were placed where the people camped their first night in the Promised Land. What “memorials” do you have in your home to remind you of God’s loving presence with you? How long has it been since you studied our church building for some of the magnificent reminders that its artistic beauty provides, especially in the stained-glass windows and altar area?
Friday, January 1, Joshua 5
Vv. 2, 10 — In preparation for the conquest of Canaan, two important religious rites were again to take place. They were circumcision (Gen. 17) and the Passover (Ex. 12 and Num. 9). Is there any significance to the fact that before going ahead with conquering the Promised Land the people made sure (through circumcision and Passover) that their relationship with the Lord was in order? What effect does weekly worship have on how you live and work during the week?
- 15 — The “Commander of the Lord’s army” is quite likely the Son of God Himself. Why? First, Joshua would not have worshipped an angel (Deut. 6:13). Secondly, He is spoken of as the “LORD” in Chap. 6:2. Thirdly, the same words were spoken to Moses at the burning bush (Ex. 3:5)
Saturday, January 2, Joshua 6
- 19 — Why were all the silver and gold and all the vessels of bronze and iron consecrated to the Lord? They were later used in building the temple.
- 20 — This was an awesome victory of God, considering Israel was no military power and had no siege weapons. In Heb. 11:30, the Apostle writes, “By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for 7 days.”