Bible Reading & Commentary for the Week Dec. 21 – Dec. 26, 2020

LynnBible Reading Guide

Monday, December 21, Deuteronomy 25

  1. 4 — The Apostle Paul applies verse 4 in Deut. 25 to I Cor. 9:9-14. As the ox for his labor could eat of his master’s grain, so we are to permit our pastors and teachers to share in the material blessings He gives us. In other words, God expects the congregation to support its called workers.

Vv. 5-10 — These verses explain the Law of the Levirate Marriage.  The brother who married the wife of his brother who died was a redeemer.   Boaz carried out this part in the book of Ruth.  Read Ruth 4.  While this earthly redeemer preserved the name of his brother, Jesus, our Redeemer, did something far more wonderful than that.  Through His redemption, our names are written in the Book of Life.


Tuesday, December 22, Deuteronomy 26

Vv. 9-12 — While Israel was to give a tithe, a tenth, of their first fruits to the Lord, notice who received the blessings of those first fruits.  Today our tithes are to be used in the same way.  They are for the benefit of God’s called workers whose responsibility it is to teach and preach and bring lost souls the good news of salvation.


Wednesday, December 23, Deuteronomy 27-28

Chap. 27:12, 13 — you read in vv. 10-13 should be found in every Sunday’s sermon.  The pastor is to preach Law and Gospel.  The Law is God’s do’s and don’ts.  It carries with it curses when we disobey.  Only the Gospel brings and gives us God’s blessings of peace, forgiveness and everlasting life.

Chap. 28:1, 2, 15 — While God is reminding Israel in great detail of the wonderful blessings He will pour down upon them for their obedience and faithfulness to Him, He at the same time lets them know in no uncertain terms the terrifying curses He will apply to them and us, too, as a nation, if we forsake God and live in gross to lose that, we have this warning in verse 18, “Make sure there is no root among you that produces such bitter poison.”  Jesus warns us of that same thing in Matt. 7:15 and II Cor. 6:14-18


Thursday, December 24, Deuteronomy 29-30

Chap. 30:15-18 — God’s covenant with Israel was that through their nation God would someday send them the Savior, His Son, who would free us from sin and open to us and them again Paradise.  In order not to lose that, we have this warning in verse 18, “Make sure there is no root among you that

produces such bitter poison.”  Jesus warns us of that same thing in Matt. 7:15 and II Cor. 6:14-18

Chap. 30:11-14 — Underline v. 14.  The greatest thing in life is always within reach, and that is the Word of God.

Chap. 30:15 — As Moses says, set before us in the Word of God is life and prosperity, death and destruction.  How we keep life and prosperity ours is by centering our lives in the Gospel and Sacraments.


Friday, December 25, Deuteronomy 31-32

Chapter 31, v. 6 — The comfort and encouragement that was Joshua’s as he began to lead Israel was that the Lord would go with him and never forsake him.  As God’s children by faith in Christ, we have that same assurance in our lives.  (Heb. 13:5)

Chapter 31, vv. 9-13 — We are privileged to hear the Word more often than Israel.  We can read it every day.  But wouldn’t it be a good idea to review the basic teaching of Scripture through an adult information class every 7 or 8 years?

 Chapter 32: – This chapter is a song of love, betrayal and mercy.  It describes a God who loves His people.  It describes people who are willing to take the best God has to offer, but soon forget the source of the blessings–then disaster results.  It describes a merciful God who reaches out to rebellious sinners to change their hearts.

Chap. 32:4 — Note the beautiful and comforting description of God.

Chap. 32:15 — “Jeshurun” was a name for Israel.  It described the “upright” and “straight” Israel that God wanted to see.  Unfortunately, the succeeding generations of Israel were often the opposite of that (v. 18)


Saturday, December 26, Deuteronomy 33, 34

Chap. 33:1 — If you count as Moses blesses the tribes, you come up with 10.  The other two are “hidden” under Joseph.  Joseph himself didn’t have a tribe, but his 2 sons, Ephraim and Manasseh did.  That totals 12.

Chap. 33:27 — Memorize this beautiful description of our Savior-God!

Chap. 34:5-6 — Even though Moses was not permitted to cross into the Promised Land, the Lord did show him the inheritance the people would receive. (Deut. 32:48-52) Moses died on the mountaintop and was buried by the Lord.  It’s striking that Moses, whose body was never found, and Elijah, who was taken to heaven by God, appeared with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. (Luke 9:28-36)