Bible Reading & Commentary for the Week August 9 – August 14, 2021

LynnBible Reading Guide

Monday, August 9, II Chronicles 13

Vv. 14-18 — What we always need to do in life is to rely on God in our day of trouble.  God can rescue us from overwhelming odds.  At His command are His mighty, invincible angels and the tremendous forces in nature that do His bidding every day.  He can also move those who oppose Him to do what He wants.  Read Ezra 1:1-3 in connection with this.  Yes, in the Lord we are safe and secure.  It’s just as the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:37-39.



Tuesday, August 10, II Chronicles 14

  1. 12 — We might say Asa had on his side quality, not quantity. Look at the odds in vv. 8-9. The numerous many who oppose God matters little to Him.  No one can withstand His mighty, invincible power.  In Him we are safe and secure, as Asa and the people of Judah learned.


Wednesday, August 11, II Chronicles 15

Vv. 8, 17 — Asa did attempt to remove idolatry (v. 8). He, however, didn’t remove the high places.  Israel was to destroy them.  Read Deut. 12:1-3.  High places were apparently groves or shrubs that held an idol.  Incense was burned at these groves.  The NIV names Asherah as one of the false gods.  The other one was Baal.  Connected with this worship were deep sexual and immoral practices. (Cf. I Kings 15:12) How Israel got involved in these evil practices was from heathen neighbors.  If this could happen to Israel, whom God separated from the heathen, think how we must be on our guard!  Let’s heed the Lord’s Word, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness, and what communion has light with darkness?” (II Cor. 6:14) How to crush idolatry or any sin is to live in daily repentance and strengthen our faith through the use of the Gospel in Word and Sacrament.  The Holy Spirit through that Wored will keep us faithful.  Read II Thess. 2:13, 14.

Thursday, August 12, II Chronicles 16

Vv. 7-12 — How could someone who was so faithful become so evil and angry at God?  In Asa’s case, it was reliance on himself and others instead of firm faith and trust in the Lord.  When troubles come into our lives, let’s not be like Asa and rely on our ingenuity or on the wisdom of human beings.  All our problems are solved by God.  He says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor Me.” (Ps. 50:15) and “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” (I Peter 5:7), and “In whom (Jesus) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sin,” (Col. 1:14) and “God is our Refuge and Strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Ps. 46:1)


Friday, August 13, II Chronicles 17

Vv. 6-9 — Judah’s government at this time was a monarchy.  While in our country, a democracy, the people rule, Judah was ruled by kings.  It was the duty of the kings, priests and Levites to carry out the laws of God.  Under Jehoshaphat you have an example of how it was accomplished.  When it was done correctly, God’s people prospered.  They were blessed by God materially and especially, spiritually.  God will bring us those same blessings when we permit Him to rule in our hearts and listen to those He’s placed over us. (Eph. 4:11-13)



Saturday, August 14, II Chronicles 18

Vv. 1-3 — Jehoshaphat made a mistake we also can make.  He allied himself with those who taught contrary to God’s Word.  Northern Israel had drifted away from the truth of God’s Word.  That Jehoshaphat repented can be seen in vv. 4-11 of chapter 19.  When we are warned against that same thing today, we need to do as Jehoshaphat did–turn away from alliances and associations with churches or church bodies that teach contrary to God’s Word.  We need to find hope and comfort in the truth of God’s Word only among those who teach God’s Word in its truth and purity.  Read Rom. 16:17.