Monday, August 23, II Chronicles 25
- 2 — What does it mean, “He did what was right in the sight of the Lord, but not wholeheartedly”? In the rest of the chapter you’ll see that Amaziah had a divided heart (v. 14). Jesus said in Matt. 4:10, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.” Because Amaziah didn’t repent, he reached a tragic end as recorded in v. 27. The way to live as a Christian is as Josiah did. Read chapter 34: 1,2.
Tuesday, August 24, II Chronicles 26
- 5 — As happened with King Uzziah, when we seek the Lord, God will also cause us to prosper. However, look what happened to Uzziah when he forsook the Lord! On God’s part, love prompted the cross of leprosy (v. 19-20), just as love prompted God to bless him for his faithfulness. The tribulation was put there, as it is for us, to move us to repent. Hopefully, it did that for Uzziah. Repentance is being sincerely sorry for our sin and putting our trust in Jesus, our Savior.
Wednesday, August 25, II Chronicles 27
- 6 — Unlike so many of the other kings of Judah, Jotham remained faithful to the Lord throughout his life. God apparently gave Jotham military strength and prosperity because of that. While that was important, the best blessing is still spiritual prosperity found in the Gospel. Through it and it alone, we have God’s wondrous peace, forgiveness and everlasting life.
Thursday, August 26, II Chronicles 28
- 3 — Of all the Davidic kings, Ahaz is at the bottom of the barrel. How his son, Hezekiah, was just the direct opposite possibly came about through the influence of his mother.
Hezekiah’s mother and grandfather are mentioned in chapter 29:1, 12 and 13. How important it is that young men find a partner for marriage who is a faithful Christian.
eternal joys in heaven is to die faithful to Jesus Christ. “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.” (Rev. 2:10)
Friday, August 27, II Chronicles 29
Vv. 20-24, 27, 31 — Hezekiah’s reforms included restoring the 4 major types of sacrifices God required his people to bring. Three of them are described in these verses. The burnt offering and fellowship offering (a thank offering) reminded the people that they were part of God’s covenant people. The sin offering reminded them that through Christ, the covenant relationship that they had broken by their sinning would be restored. The covenant was God’s promise to send a Savior–and that through Christ’s work of salvation, what Adam and Eve lost by their fall into sin, would be restored to us. Read Rom. 5:18 and I Cor. 15:21,22.
Saturday, August 28, II Chronicles 30
Vv. 10-12 — While many in Northern Israel rejected the truth of God’s Word, there were those who did accept it. It took, on their part, great courage of conviction to come to Jerusalem to worship. We need to have that same courage of conviction today so that we lead the unchurched in our family and neighborhood to the truth of God’s Word. “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (I Peter 3:15)
Vv. 18-20 — Hezekiah dealt in love with those who were doing what was not appropriate according to the Law. The people were not rebelling against God, they just didn’t understand. Hezekiah let them celebrate the Passover. He dealt with them at their level of understanding, not to “water-down” what God said, but to be able to educate the people in God’s ways.