Monday, August 31, Exodus 25
Vv. 10-22 – One of the most important articles in the tabernacle and later in the temple, was the ark of the covenant. The mercy seat in Hebrew meant “to cover” which is very fitting, since that was the name given to the covering of the ark. On the Great Day of Atonement, the High Priest sprinkled blood on the mercy seat, which covered the Law inside the ark. This signified that the people’s sins were covered. It pointed ahead to Jesus’ perfect atonement on Calvary’s cross where He freed us from all sin.
(I John 1:7)
Tuesday, September 1, Exodus 26, 27
In chapters 25, 26, and 27 we have a description of how the tabernacle was to be constructed. It must have been very beautiful. Much gold was used in the materials of the tabernacle. Cherubim (chap. 26:1) are one rank or order of God’s angels. They are mentioned in Gen. 3:24.
Wednesday, September 2, Exodus 28
- 30 — What were Urim and Thummim, which were put in the breast piece of judgment worn by the High Priest? To this day, Bible scholars don’t know what they really were. It seems to be the plural form of the Hebrew words, “light” and “right.” Through them, the leader of God’s people could make inquiry of the Lord (Num. 27:18-21). God gave a “yes” or a “no” answer.
Vv. 1-42 — Unlike our worship service, Israel’s was completely regulated by God. God gave exacting details as to the building of the tabernacle, the dress of the priests and how their worship was to be conducted. In regard to these things in the New Testament, we are free to make our own de-cisions. These two passages will guide us: I Cor. 10:31 and 14:40.
Thursday, September 3, Exodus 29
Vv. 11-14 — The blood of the bull that was sacrificed was to make atonement for Aaron’s sin. (Lev. 17:11) Many years later, Jesus offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice for our sins. His atonement outside the city gate freed us from all sin. Read Heb. 13:11, 12 in connection with these verses.
Vv. 19-20 — Why was blood put on the lobes of the right ear of Aaron and his sons, on the thumbs of the right hand and on the toes of their right feet? It was done probably because with the ear the priest was to hear the Word of the Lord, with the hand he was to perform his tasks properly, and with his feet he was to walk correctly in the sanctuary.
Vv. 26-28 — The wave offering was explained in the Talmud as a moving back and forth first toward the Lord and then toward the priest. It signified fellowship between the two of them. The Lord shared part of the offering with the priest. The wave offering was what was taken away and eaten by the priest.
Friday, September 4, Exodus 30
Vv. 7-8 — The purpose of burning incense every morning and evening is explained in Ps. 141:2 and Luke 1:8-10. The burning of incense was symbolic of prayer. While God has made no laws in the New Testament concerning the amount of time we are to pray and when to pray, He does expect us to be faithful in our life of prayer. Read I Thess. 5:17 and I Tim. 2:1.
Saturday, September 5, Exodus 31
Vv. 14-16 — How long was the Old Testament Sabbath to last? Moses spoke of it as a perpetual (KJV) or lasting (NKJV) covenant. How do we understand the words perpetual or lasting? Does it mean forever, as the Seventh Day Adventists teach? It lasted up until Jesus’ work of redemption. From that point on, Jesus became our true rest (Sabbath) (Matt. 11:28).