Bible Reading & Commentary for the Week Aug. 3 – Aug. 8, 2020

LynnBible Reading Guide

EXODUS — “Exodus” is a Latin word derived from Greek.  Exodus means “exit” or “departure.”  Exodus continues what was written in Genesis and completed in Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.  Exodus shows us the great deliverance God brought for His people Israel, the laws by which they were to live, and points them ahead to the Messiah who would ultimately bring them to the greater Promised Land.


Monday, August 3, Exodus 1

  1. 5 — How many people left Egypt about 400 years later? Read Ex. 12:37.
  2. 12 — The Lord’s blessing was evident even during what was a very difficult trial for the Israelites. If we examine our lives, we often find that the Lord brings triumph from tragedy. Isn’t that just what He promised in Romans 8:28?”
  3. 17 — The midwives placed God’s command above man’s command. This is how God expects us all to keep the 5th commandment. Cf. Acts 5:29.  Notice how God blessed the midwives (v. 21).  Considering the blessing, of what does God think very highly?  Read also Ps. 127:3-5.


Tuesday, August 4, Exodus 2

  1. 2-4 — Notice how Israelite women protected their children in spite of the severe danger. This is far different from worldly women today who abort their children.

Vv. 8-9 — Through God’s intervention, not only was Moses spared from death, but his mother nursed him probably for the first 3 years of his life.  His early spiritual training was never forgotten.  Read Heb. 11:24.

  1. 12 — We are never justified in trying to help out the Lord’s cause by a sinful act, as Moses did. Because of this, Moses had to flee to the land of Midian. There he had to live for 40 years.  While God prepared Moses well in Pharaoh’s house with leadership ability, He also did so in the desert.  There he learned patience, and also the geography of the land through which he was later to lead Israel, after God delivered them from Egyptian slavery.  Read also Acts 7:22 and Heb. 11:24-26.


Wednesday, August 5, Exodus 3

  1. 10 — Moses’ life can be divided into 3 periods of 40 years. The first 40 he spent in Egypt. The second 40 he spent learning to tend sheep and survive in the wilderness.  Now, as the Lord calls him to deliver His people, Moses is beginning the last period of 40 years of his life in which he was most useful to the Lord because of his spiritual maturity and wisdom.
  2. 14 — God speaks of Himself as the great ‘I AM.’ That means He lives–He exists. He is a living, personal being, not wood or stone like the heathen gods.  In that name, I AM, is also His characteristic of being eternal.  Cf. John 14:6; Heb. 13:8.


Thursday, August 6, Exodus 4

Vv. 10, 13 — Moses’ excuses not to lead God’s people showed that, in his weakness, he doubted God’s ability to help him.  Because of God’s great compassion toward Moses, He turned away His anger from him.  God’s answers to help Moses left him without excuse. Let’s not use the same excuses Moses did, but when God calls us to serve Him in the Christian congregation, let us answer as the hymnist did in Hymn 573, verse 4: “Here am I, send me, send me!”

Vv. 24-26 — The reason God probably intended to kill Moses was because he failed to circumcise his son.  His failure to do that would have cut hm off from God. (Gen. 17:9-14)


Friday, August 7, Exodus 5

Vv. 22-23 — Moses’ question of, “Why, Lord?” in the midst of great adversity and persecution, is often our question when things get tough and stay that way.  It’s then that we need to reread Exodus and see that the Lord does hear our cries and will deliver us, as He did Israel.  In connection with this, read also God’s assuring promises in Romans 8:28, Psalm 50:15 and Psalm 121.


Saturday, August 8, Exodus 6

Vv. 16-25 — Why does God describe the family tree of Moses and Aaron in great detail at this point in Israel’s history?  It’s to impress and remind Israel and us of the prominent leadership roles both of these men will have in Israel’s history and that from especially Aaron’s descendants were to come all the priests of Israel.