Monday, August 17, Exodus 13
- 2, 13 — The consecration of the firstborn meant that they belonged to God. The children could be “redeemed” or bought back with an offering. This was a call to love God above all things. Read Luke 2:23-24.
Vv. 6-7 — The Feast of Unleavened Bread was explained in greater detail in chapter 12:17-20. Paul refers to this festival in I Corinthians 5:7,8. There he reminds us that as the Israelites got rid of the old yeast during the Passover, so we Christians should turn away from our sinful life and strive to live a God-pleasing life. (Col. 3:10)
- 21 — We also have a pillar of cloud and fire to lead us safely through this life. This is God’s sure, inerrant Word. “Thy Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105) Also read Hymn 291 ” We Have a Sure, Prophetic Word.”
Tuesday, August 18, Exodus 14
Vv. 10-18 — In great difficulty and trouble, how often don’t we show weak faith, just as Israel did. Let’s remember that what happened at the Red Sea is really true! God’s promises to us in Ps. 121 and Rom. 8:18-39 are not idle assurances. They are real promises of deliverance. Let’s keep our eyes on the Lord.
Vv. 23-28 — A good commentary on God’s mighty victory over Pharaoh’s army is in Ps. 77:15-20.
Wednesday, August 19, Exodus 15
- 2-4 — Hebrew poetry does not have words at the end of a sentence which rhyme. It rather has parallel thoughts. Notice the same pattern of thought in verses 2 and 4.
Vv. 23-25 — Hymn 473, verse 3, is based on these verses. We, too, at times are brought to Marah’s brink. Our trials and tribulations become a cup of bitterness. God takes the branch of tribulations from us as we turn to Him in prayer and He sweetens our lives with His love, healing, peace, compassion and forgiveness in the Gospel found in the word and sacraments.
Thursday, August 20, Exodus 16
Vv. 13-15 — Bible critics try to write off this miracle through natural means. While quail are migratory birds, we need to remember that Israel was fed by them every day for 40 years! As far as manna is concerned, the Israelites would not have asked the question, “What is it?” if it came from the tamarisk tree. Remember, too, it was there every day for 40 years, often where there were no trees. As God unfailingly gave them that food for 40 years, so He unfailingly supplies us with the Gospel, His eternal, life-giving manna, day by day. He’ll do that until the end of time. Read Mark 13:31 and Isaiah 40:8.
Friday, August 21, Exodus 17
- 2 — Here the NIV translation is clearer than the KJV or NKJV. Israel was quarreling with God, testing the Lord’s patience, by their grumbling, their dissatisfaction and rebellious attitude. In face of great tribulation, what are we to do? Read Ps. 27:14, Romans 8:28, and I Peter 5:6, 7, and 10.
- 6 — Science probably would dispute this miracle. However, along the bluffs of the Mississippi River between LaCrosse and Winona are rocky areas from which water constantly seeps and drips.
Vv. 11-13 — There is a Mission Festival hymn verse based on v. 12. Look up Hymn 573, v. 3. Do we faithfully do what the hymnist suggested?
Saturday, August 22, Exodus 18
Vv. 17-26 — This was excellent advice Jethro gave Moses, his son-in-law. That principle was followed by the apostles in Acts 6:2, 3. We do it today in the Christian congregation by creating different boards to run God’s kingdom work smoothly. The qualifications of such board members are similar to those in Jethro’s advice.. Read I Timothy 3:8-13.
Vv. 6, 27 — Because Jethro returned home alone, it would appear that Moses’ wife and children now stayed with him.