II Samuel – Second Samuel continues the story of the beginning of Israel’s kingdom. It starts with Saul’s death. Then it describes David’s 40-year reign. Some of the best-known stories are the capture of Jerusalem, David’s sin with Bathsheba, and Absalom’s rebellion.
Monday, April 5, II Samuel 1
- 26 — The loss of someone we love deeply and dearly distresses us as it did David. However, what dries our tears and again lifts our spirits is that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. Think of this beautiful, comforting verse we sing at Eastertime:
He lives and grants me daily breath;
He lives and I shall conquer death;
He lives my mansion to prepare:
He lives to bring me safely there. (Hymn 152, v. 7)
Tuesday, April 6, II Samuel 2
- 11 — David was a type of Christ but far inferior to Christ. After David’s 7-year reign over Judah, he eventually became king over all of Israel. Even when he held that position, his great achievements were marred by sin. After His ascension into heaven, Jesus became King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He was exalted over all and rules in perfect glory forever in heaven. Read Eph. 1:20-23.
Wednesday, April 7, II Samuel 3
Vv. 27-30 — Was Joab justified in killing Abner? Murder is never justified. While David did not deal with Joab as a murderer perhaps because his position wasn’t secure enough, David’s son, Solomon, did. Read I Kings 2:5-6, 31-35.
Thursday, April 8, II Samuel 4
- 12 — Why did David so cruelly have Recab and Baanah killed? That’s because they had assassinated Ishbosheth who had become king of Israel after Saul. He ruled Israel for 2 years while David ruled Judah (II Samuel 2:10-11). God expects us to obey government whether it’s just or unjust, because it is God’s representative. Read Rom. 13:1,2.
Friday, April 9, II Samuel 5
Vv. 7, 10, 19 — Why was David victorious in battle even when heathen nations felt themselves invincible? (vv. 6-8; I Chron. 11:4-6) God gave David victory after victory. In v. 24, we see why David couldn’t have lost. God’s mighty angels were fighting for him.
- 13 — While God did permit David to have many wives, God did not intend this for marriage. The internal conflict in such marriages should tell us why God wants us to have only one wife. Read Gen. 2:24 and I Tim. 3:2, 12.
Saturday, April 10, II Samuel 5
- 9 — The Ark of the Lord represented the Law. In it were placed the 2 tablets of stone on which were written the 10 commandments. Standing before God as the Lawgiver is a fearful thing! God demands perfection and promises eternal death for the slightest infraction of the law. (James 2:10 and Romans 6:23) Only through the Gospel, the fact that Jesus has redeemed us from all sin, can we stand before God unafraid. Through it we have God’s peace, forgiveness and everlasting life. “There is therefore now no condemnation for them which are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8;1)