Bible Reading & Commentary for the Week April 12 – April 17, 2021

LynnBible Reading Guide

Monday, April 12, II Samuel 7

  1. 16 — While David was not permitted by God to build the temple, God reminded him of something far more important. His throne would be established forever. That’s because from his seed someday would come Jesus, whose kingdom has no end. (Jer. 23:5,6; Luke 1:32, 33)


Tuesday, April 13, II Samuel 8

  1. 4 — When a horse was hamstrung, the large tendon at the bottom of the horse’s leg was cut. What was the reason for having most of the horses hamstrung? They were then unfit for military use. They still could be used for breeding and for food.

Vv. 5-6 — “The Lord gave David victory wherever he went.” The outcome of these battles probably led David to write Psalms 124 and 144. Please read them.

  1. 11 — By dedicating the gold and silver to the Lord, it went into the temple treasury and was later used in the building of the temple.
  2. 15 — David ruled using God’s standards of right and wrong. We should daily pray asking God to move our leaders to execute justice following God’s moral standards, His 10 commandments. The results for us will be peace, justice and prosperity. (I Tim. 2:1,2)


Wednesday, April 14, II Samuel 9

  1. 7 — In the New Testament God tells us “to do good to all men, especially those of the household of faith.” Here David puts those words into action and gives us an example to follow. As with David, God also has richly blessed us. He’s given us the means to help those not as fortunate as we are. Read and underline Gal. 6:10 and I John 3:17, 18.



Thursday, April 15, II Samuel 10

 Vv. 6, 18 — This chapter reminds us of Rev. 20. We might speak of it as a miniature picture of it. As God’s enemies rose up against Him and went down to defeat at the hands of David, so that will happen one final time at the end of the world. This time God’s enemies will be vanquished forever by David’s most illustrious descendent, Jesus Christ, God’s Son. (Rev. 19:11-16 and 20:7-15)


Friday, April 16, II Samuel 11

  1. 1 — Up until this point, David appears as a model Christian. One of the reasons for his grievous sin may be given in v. 1. Perhaps he was cultivating ease and leisure instead of consuming his energy in hard work.

Vv. 11-17— God’s Word says, “Therefore, let him who thinks he stands, take heed, lest he fall.” (I Cor. 10:12–NKJV) We all need to keep that in mind as we look at and review David’s evil, horrible fall into sin. David, up to this time, is pictured as just and fair, faithful to the Lord. Suddenly, he’s just the direct opposite. How did David suddenly go so wrong? He probably was inattentive to God’s Word. When that happens, a person makes himself vulnerable to Satan’s temptations. Read Deut. 17:17-19.


Saturday, April 17, II Samuel 12

Vv. 10, 13, 14, 24 — What a merciful God we Christians have! First, the Good Shepherd came looking for His lost sheep, David. Secondly, He forgave repentant David the terrible evil he had done (v. 13). Thirdly, even the earthly crosses brought out in v. 10 and 14 were there as a loving reminder never to turn in that evil, unhappy direction again. Finally, God gave him another child who healed the hurt of the one he lost (v. 24). Nothing can match the mercy and love of God toward us undeserving sinners. A Psalm that reveals David’s tormented conscience during the nine months of his unrepentance is Psalm 32. That repentant Christians enjoy  God’s unsurpassing peace and forgiveness you will find in Psalms 51 and 103.