Dear Trinity Families,
Here is your WELS Devotion
Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.
Acts 3:19
The Best Kind of Refreshment
“Refreshments will be served.” Advertise a meeting by promising refreshments and the meeting attendance will almost always increase, especially if the refreshments are really good. Fresh donuts in the morning and hot pizza at night have a powerful effect on meeting attendance.
The Lord promises the best kind of refreshment. He says that when our feelings of guilt and our record of wrongs are wiped away, that’s lasting refreshment. There is no feeling of relief that compares to the sweet relief of forgiveness, knowing we are spared the condemnation we justly deserve as sinners.
God has done everything necessary to take away the punishment that should be ours. The guilt of our sins was laid upon Jesus, and by his Son’s sacrificial death, the due penalty was paid.
Now God calls us to a meeting where he will serve refreshments that are the best. He comes to meet with us through his Word. In the Bible, the Lord gives us the refreshing message that our sins are wiped out.
We will want to meet with him often by reading and listening to his Word because he gives us the best kind of refreshment—we have the peace of forgiveness for our sins through the Lord Jesus!
Thank you, Lord, for refreshing me with the promises found in your Word. Amen.
God bless,