Bible Reading & Commentary for the Week Feb 1 – Feb. 6, 2021

LynnBible Reading Guide

Monday, February 1, Judges 7

  1. 13 — Does God tell us the future through dreams today? God has provided us with everything necessary for our spiritual life and our earthly preservation in His revelation to us in His holy Word. II Tim. 3:16; Matt. 6:25-34; Rom. 1:16
  2. 22 — Panic set in among the Midianites. It’s God who caused it to happen and brought Israel its victory. With the amount of men and the way it was carried out, the glory couldn’t go to Gideon, but to the Lord.  It’s just as the Psalmist says in Ps. 27:1.


Tuesday, February 2, Judges 8

  1. 16 — The elders probably received a flogging with the thorns and briers from Gideon. Such punishment would make you think twice before doing it again. While this doesn’t really change a person, punishment does check evil and is something government must enforce on evil doers.  (Rom. 13:4)
  2. 27 — How could Gideon do such a thing? Could it be the roots of this stemmed back to his childhood?  Read again Judges 6:25.  That’s a far cry from Timothy’s training!  Cf. II Tim. 3:14, 15.  Timothy had no such problem.  Parents training their children in God’s Word and setting a correct example for them is extremely important.


Wednesday, February 3, Judges 9

Vv. 1-6 — Abimelech, who tried to set himself up like a Canaanite city-king with the help of the idol Baal, stands in sharp contrast to his father, Gideon (Jerub-Baal), who attacked Baal worship and insisted that the Lord rule over Israel.  How quickly the spiritual character can change from one generation to another.  Doesn’t that impress on our hearts the importance of passing along a love for the Lord Jesus to our children and grandchildren?

Vv. 7-15 — This is a parable.  It’s using an earthly example to teach a spiritual truth.  Here the truth carried with it the judgment of God.  Read vv. 56-57.  The trees were the Israelites.  The thorn bush was Abilelech.  Thornbushes were extremely combustible.  You can see its application in vv. 48-49. Abimelech and his followers were an example of the terrible end all those receive who rebel against God (vv. 53-54).  For hope, peace, and happiness read Rom. 6:23 and 8:1, 28, 37-39.


Thursday, February 4, Judges 10

  1. 15 — This is true repentance on Israel’s part. They are willing to bear what punishment God himself would directly inflict on them. They make no excuses.  God’s merciful answer comes quickly.  Read v. 16.  Contrast that to the inhumane and humiliating treatment they received from their enemies.


Friday, February 5, Judges 11

  1. 1 — Should a baby be aborted who was conceived through a rape? A Christian mother realizes that her baby is a sinner just like one born of Christian parents. She, therefore, wants it to live eternally and uses God’s means to save her child, which is Baptism. She remembers, too, that Jephthah, who became one of God’s successful judges, had a mother who was a prostitute.

Vv. 30-34 — What happened to Jephthah’s daughter?  Scripture isn’t totally clear.  He may have carried out his oath.  Let’s learn from him never to take foolish or rash oaths.  Jesus said in Matt. 5:37, “Simply let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes,’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no.’  Anything beyond this comes from the Evil One.”  While Jephthah was far from perfect, he died in faith.  He’s one of the heroes of faith listed in Heb. 11:32, 33.


Saturday, February 6, Judges 12

Vv. 1-2 — Jealousy was the motive behind the anger of the Ephramites.  This was also a revolt against one of God’s representatives.

  1. 6 — The Ephramites could not pronounce the word “shibboleth.” Their mispronounciation made it possible for the Gileadites not to kill the innocent, only the guilty.  Are there enemies in the ranks of Christianity today?  Those who say “sibboleth” are those today who speak God’s Word untruthfully to us.  Jesus described them this way, “Watch our for false prophets.  They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.”  (Matt. 7:15)