Monday, November 30, Deuteronomy 7
Vv. 1-2 — The total destruction of the nations listed here was God’s judgment on them because they had become totally hardened in their sin. God used His people as His instrument of judgment–and in the process the land was to be completely devoted to the Lord.
- 6 — What a description! The Lord calls us His “treasured possession!” Take stock of what that means for you.
- 20 — The Lord would be responsible for getting His people into the Promised Land. Who or what was the “hornet”? We can’t be sure. It may have been a physical plague or another means the Lord used to work fear in the hearts of Canaan’s residents.
Tuesday, December 1, Deuteronomy 8
Vv. 2-5 — The Israelites’ experience in the wilderness was really 40 years of God’s discipline. What were they to learn? See it in Heb. 12:5,6,11.
Vv. 10-11 — The people would find rest, peace and bountiful harvests in the Promised Land. Then Satan would tempt them to forget the Lord and to grow proud in the assumption that they had won the victory and not the Lord. (v. 17) Oh, the pride that controls the human mind! What would we do if the Lord’s hand was not with us? (v. 18) Think how easily we can slip into that sinful, self-filled pride!
Wednesday, December 2, Deuteronomy 9
- 5 — Like the Israelites, we have no right to claim God’s blessing as something we deserve. Our hope for the Promised Land of heaven doesn’t rest on our integrity or righteousness, but on God’s sacrifice of His own Son and the work of the Holy Spirit that creates faith in our hearts to trust what Jesus did. Why does such complete faith in God bring us comfort? Read Eph. 2:8,9.
Vv. 25-29 — Moses’ intercession is remarkable. Of human intercession, it was the greatest. Yet, through it all, God only spared Aaron and Israel temporally. Jesus’ intercession alone before God gives us the assurance our sins are forgiven and that eternal life is ours. (I John 2:1-2)
Thursday, December 3, Deuteronomy 10
- 10 — Moses was on Mt. Sinai a long time–over a month! While there, he received not only the 10 commandments, but the entire law of God–civil (government), ceremonial (worship), and moral laws.
- 12 — What a beautiful description of the Christian life! Of course, you will remember that “fear” doesn’t mean to be afraid of God, but to respect and stand in awe of Him.
- 16 — “Circumcise your hearts” is really an Old Testament synonym for “repent.” It means we are to completely change our hearts. No longer are our hearts’ affections to be on the desires of this life. Our hearts’ affections are to be on Jesus. When they are, we will serve the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind.
- 22 — The Lord’s blessing was evident in these numbers. Israel went to Egypt with 70 people, and 430 years later left with about 2 million!
Friday, December 4, Deuteronomy 11
Vv. 13-15 — While these words are also true for us today, we can’t forget that we are still living in a sinful, imperfect world that will bring with it sickness and disease. Besides that, we may have to suffer, as God punishes the pagan society within which we live.
Vv. 18-19 — “Fix these words of mine in your heart and teach them to your children.” That’s what we’re to be doing with the truths of God’s Word. If we neglect to do that, could our nation also experience the gradual deterioration Israel did? We need to do it at home and through our Christian Day School and Lutheran High Schools.
Saturday, December 5, Deuteronomy 12
- 23 — Why did God demand blood as an atonement for our sins? The answer is in v. 23, “The blood is the life.” Life is not in money and diamonds. It is in blood. Our blood is the most precious commodity in our body. However, it’s not perfect. That’s why Jesus’ holy, precious blood had to be shed for us on Calvary’s cross. It won for us eternal life, as Luther wrote, “We are saved not by gold or silver, but by His holy, precious blood and with His innocent sufferings and death.”
- 31 — I’m sure this verse shocks us! At least we hope it does! While heathen people in ancient times offered their children as sacrifices to their heathen god, in our country 1 ½ million children are murdered annually through abortion. Which is worse?