December 4, 2020

LynnDaily Devotion

Dear Trinity Families,

Here is your Daily Devotion

Epic Patience

It’s been 2000 years since Jesus said he was coming back. What’s taking him so long? God is not slow; we are. God is patient. He gave the people of Noah’s day 120 years. He’s given us 2000!

God loves people so much that he waits for us. He waits for Christians to share the message. He waits for people to hear. He works in hearts that are unyielding and cold. He keeps working and he keeps waiting because he doesn’t want anyone to die eternally in the fires of hell.

When Jesus comes again, he’s coming in blazing glory and final judgment. Everything in creation will be destroyed. He wants to rescue as many people as possible before that happens. He will make a brand-new home for everyone who believes. He wants to bring home everybody appointed for salvation.

So, knowing that, what should we do? God has chosen us to bring the saving message of the Gospel to the world. He’s done the hard part. We just have to let people know. Jesus is coming back. Let’s bring as many people home as we can.

God bless,

Pastor Tesch


Here is a link to Sunday’s Worship Service:  November 29, 2020 – First Sunday of Advent

Worship Bulletin: 2020-11-29 First Sunday in Advent

Announcements Bulletin: 2020-11-29 First Sunday in Advent


We will not be having Mid Week Advent Worship Services this year.  Please join us Every Sunday at 8 and 10am / Mondays at 6pm. You can sign up on line   or call our church office.

December’s Lunch Bunch: will be a delightful “Dinner Bunch” at, The Rivers Edge on Thursday Dec. 10th starting at 5:30 pm (the Supper Club is located at: N4178 WI-180, Marinette) everyone is welcomed as we celebrate the birth of our savior! *Please bring a wrapped gift as we will be having a white elephant gift exchange.

TLS Christmas Program: this year will be during Worship Services on Sunday December 20th and Monday Dec. 21st.

Christmas Eve Worship: We will be having two services this year so we can abide by the Governors guidelines on Covid. Please sign-up online for either the Candlelight Service at 6pm or 7:30pm service. A paper sign-up is located in the back of church or call Lynn in the Church Office and she will be happy to assist you.

Christmas Morning: Celebrate the birth of Jesus with us at 9am Christmas morning. You can either sign up online or a signup sheet located on the back table in church.


Christmas for Kids: After getting impute from members of the congregation, we have decided that we will not be holding a Christmas for Kids this year. We hope to be able to start planning Easter for Kids early next year.


End of the Year Newsletter: As 2020 comes to an end we will be putting out the ‘winter” edition of the Trinity Tidings. If you have anything that you would like to share with the members of Trinity Lutheran please get your articles to the Church Office BY Monday December 7th. Please call the church office with any questions.