Dear Trinity Families,
In the ancient Medo-Persian Empire, Daniel was threatened with death for his faith. It wasn’t because of any public or inflammatory speech. It was because he prayed in his home. 500 years later, Jesus’ disciples were threatened with death if they continued to preach in Jesus’ name. 1500 years after that, Martin Luther was threatened with death if he continued to preach the Gospel.
In every case God’s faithful people declared that they would rather face persecution than deny their Savior. They would do his work and follow his commands no matter what the cost.
What threats do you face for your faith? There is always a price to pay for faithfulness. We might not face lions or wind up in court, but we can lose relationships because of moral purity. We can lose promotions because of worship priorities. We can lose friendships because we won’t condone sin.
Faithfulness to God’s Word in the face of persecution requires trust. God shut the lions’ mouths to answer the king’s question: Is your God able to rescue you? Yes, he is. God shut the lions’ mouths to show his Church of all the ages that God is able to guard and keep his own. You can trust him and be faithful to his Word in the face of any persecution.
God bless,
Pastor Tesch
Here is the link for online worship for October 25:
Or you can watch it from our website:
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Come to worship! You can sign up here: or call Pastor or call the church office to let us know which service you prefer.
Here is this week’s bulletin: Check it out.
There is NO SCHOOL for the Students at Trinity Lutheran
Wed. October 28, Thurs. Oct 29 or Friday Oct. 30