Worth More than Money – August 3, 2021

LynnDaily Devotion

Dear Trinity Families,

Here is your WELS Devotion

Philip answered [Jesus], “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!”
John 6:7

Worth More than Money

What are your concerns in life? Go ahead, list your top ten. If I were a betting man, I’d bet that somewhere on your list is something to do with money. Oh, I’m not accusing you of having the love of money, which is the root of all evil. I’m not accusing you of poor management of the financial gifts that God has given you. Nor am I accusing you of not being content with those gifts. I’m just acknowledging that money is connected to almost every aspect of our lives and will consistently be on our minds. And if it’s on our minds, it will be one of our concerns.

When Jesus asked Philip where they should get the bread to feed the large crowd that had gathered on the mountainside of Galilee, Philip’s first concern wasn’t where to shop. He wasn’t wondering which market would have enough inventory to feed a sporting arena’s worth of people. He wasn’t wondering how they would transport the food. His first concern was how much will it cost? “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!” (John 6:7).

Maybe Philip was exaggerating a bit. According to my calculations, in today’s money, it would cost approximately $2,500 to give each person a slice of bread. But if you gave each person a sack lunch consisting of a ham sandwich, bag of chips, and an apple, it would cost $33,000, which happens to be the average cost of a pre-Covid wedding in the United States. How would you like to pay for a wedding on the spot without having time to plan for it?

The point being, we can get caught up in the numbers, just like Philip. Whether it’s the cost of mortgage, groceries, tuition, cars, insurance, vacations, weddings, and more. Life isn’t cheap. But when we’re counting the cost of living, don’t forget that you can count on the One who promised to provide for you. You can count on Christ.

Lord, lead me to trust in you to provide for all my needs. Amen.


God bless,


Let’s express our love for Jesus and for each other and Worship together!

Sunday at 9:00am & Monday at 6:00pm

Online Worship Service: 2021-08-01 Tenth Sunday after Pentecost – Pastor Larry Nast

Weekly Bulletin: 2021-08-01 Tenth Sunday after Pentecost


Board of Education Vacancy

Men or women…do you have an interest in providing guidance and oversight for Trinity Lutheran School?  Due to the organizational structure changes enacted by the congregation in April, men and women are able to serve on the Board of Education. If interested, please contact Pastor Tesch or Board of Education Chairman Tim Baneck. Candidates will be appointed by Pastor Tesch and the Church Council. We currently have 1 vacancy and would prefer that a member of Trinity be appointed to serve in that capacity. If we do not have a member to fill the vacancy by September 1, we will then broaden our invitation to non-members.

Youth River Float     Come and invite a friend!

The area youth river float will be Sunday, August 15! It is for grades 6-12.

Adults are welcome to join as well.
We will meet at Grace in Crivitz at 2 p.m. for devotion before going to the river in Crivitz.
The river float usually lasts about two hours, but the timing varies depending on how fast the river is flowing at that time.
All teens should bring
  1. lifejacket
  2. clothes to get wet/swimsuit
  3. Towel.

*If you have a river float and an air pump, bring it along.

There is no cost to attend. For any questions or for more information, contact

Pastor Sonnemann