November 24, 2020

LynnDaily Devotion

Dear Trinity Families,

Here is your WELS Devotion

But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
1 Corinthians 15:20


Perhaps it’s been a long time since you’ve walked through a cemetery. Then again, perhaps not. When you did, what are the emotions you felt?

Your answer depends on the circumstances, of course. Maybe the circumstances were such that you felt crushing grief. Maybe you felt a numbness or felt relief mixed with exhaustion. Or it could be that the circumstances were such that you felt simple curiosity about the people buried there. Maybe you felt a fascination about the past. Maybe you felt quiet reflection.

In your imagination, put yourself inside a cemetery for a moment. Walk slowly and look up and down the rows of stones. The words of God before us in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 are from the apostle Paul. In that cemetery, imagine the apostle Paul walking with you. As you walk with him side-by-side, there is something else you would sense from Paul—something different. You would sense from him a great feeling of anticipation.

From 1 Corinthians 15, we know why. There, the apostle Paul points to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As he does, he makes it clear that Jesus’ resurrection is not some isolated, one-time event. Instead, he reminds us that Jesus is the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. In other words, Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is only the first of many.

Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is God’s exclamation point to the reality that Jesus Christ, Son of God, has lived a perfect life on our behalf; that he has suffered and died on the cross for our every sin. Through faith in him, we possess forgiveness of sin, peace, joy, and life eternal. Jesus’ resurrection has set in motion a series of wondrous things that are to come.

Which brings us back to the cemetery through which you are walking. In such a place, at times will you feel grief, loss, reflection? Yes, you will feel all of these. Most of all, however, there is anticipation. On the Last Day, these graves will open. The bodies of those who have died in the Lord will reunite with their souls. And the roar of victory will last forever.

Lord Jesus, fill me with anticipation for the wonders we will experience when you return. Amen.


God bless,



I am sure that we’re all praying that God will end this pandemic, but until he does, here’s the link to find our services on Sunday.

The current service will be at the top of the list. We stream both our 8:00am and our 10:00am services. And the services will remain online for you to watch after the services finish.

If you would like to watch before 8:00am you can always watch the service from the week before or any other service listed.

I apologize for the growing pains from last week. I pray that this will go much more smoothly.

Let me know if you have any questions! Please let me know if you were successful in watching the service or if you had an problems.

P.S. The bulletins for this service can be found here:

Worship folder:





🌲Our food pantry is an expression of God’s love to the people in our community.
🌲You can help share his love by bringing your donations to the church or send with your child at school during our combined food drive with Trinity Lutheran church.
🌲Our combined food drive will run during the weeks of Nov 30th-Dec 11th.
🌲There will be a box placed outside of each classroom door as well as a box placed at church.
🌲The winning class will get to celebrate with a pizza party provided by Trinity PTO!
🌲If you would like to make a monetary donation please write a check payable to: Trinity Lutheran PTO.
🌲We hope to make this a successful food drive and be able to provide to our families in need in our community.  If you have any questions please contact Amy Peterson.

Thank you for your support!