Dear Trinity Families,
Here is your WELS Devotion
The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.
Genesis 6:5
Our society bombards us with the idea that all people are inherently good and that humanity will eventually move past its difficulties. Humanity is held up as the one thing that can save us all. Movie after movie continues to tell us that good will prevail over evil and that we should trust in the goodness of mankind.
But is that reality? If mankind was inherently good, why do we continue to have so much war, murder, and crimes like rape and human trafficking? If people all have some good deep down in their souls, why is there so much yelling and screaming? Why can we not all calmly discuss our differences and work together?
The reality is no one is inherently good. The Bible says it is quite the contrary. We read in Genesis—and throughout the Bible—that mankind is inherently sinful. Our thoughts and desires are inherently sinful, not inherently good. We are by nature selfish and greedy. We want our way and do not want to listen to anyone else, let alone listen to what God has to say. That certainly is not news that anyone wants to hear, but it is true.
The good news is that there is someone who was inherently good. His name is Jesus. He is the only man to have ever walked this earth without a sinful nature. Jesus was better than good. He was perfect. As our substitute, Jesus lived a perfect life in our place and died on the cross to pay for our sins. He died and rose again to guarantee that our sins would be forgiven and that we could have the gift of eternal life in heaven. Through faith in Jesus, we have a desire to live for God and to do what is good out of love for him.
Dear Jesus, thank you for taking my sins away and for being my perfect substitute. Filled with your love, help me to desire what is good. Help me to serve you today. Amen.
God bless,
Here is a link to Sunday’s Worship Service: November 29, 2020 – First Sunday of Advent
Worship Bulletin: 2020-11-29 First Sunday in Advent
Announcements Bulletin: 2020-11-29 First Sunday in Advent
Ladies Aid: The ladies will be celebrating Christmas with a party! This Thursday Dec. 3rd at 1:00 pm we will meet in the Church Basement for an afternoon of friends and fellowship. Please bring a wrapped gift as we will be having a white elephant gift exchange. This event is open to everyone, we would love to meet more members of our community.
TLS Christmas Program: this year will be during Worship Services on Sunday December 20th and Monday Dec. 21st.
Christmas Eve Worship: We will be having two services this year so we can abide by the Governors guidelines on Covid. Please sign-up online for either the Candlelight Service at 6pm or 7:30pm service. A paper sign-up is located in the back of church or call Lynn in the Church Office and she will be happy to assist you.
Christmas Morning: Celebrate the birth of Jesus with us at 9am Christmas morning. You can either sign up online or a signup sheet located on the back table in church.
Christmas for Kids: After getting impute from members of the congregation, we have decided that we will not be holding a Christmas for Kids this year. We hope to be able to start planning Easter for Kids early next year.
End of the Year Newsletter: As 2020 comes to an end we will be putting out the ‘winter” edition of the Trinity Tidings. If you have anything that you would like to share with the members of Trinity Lutheran please get your articles to the Church Office BY Monday December 7th. Please call the church office with any questions.