Bible Reading & Commentary for the Week January 3 – January 8, 2022

LynnBible Reading Guide

Monday, January 3, Psalm 55

  1. 22 — When you say, “Please help me,” to a doctor, perhaps most of the time he can help you. When you say to God, “Help me,” the difference is that He always does help. He does sustain us, strengthen us, give peace of mind to us, forgive us our sins, and assure us of life forever in heaven.  That perfect help is found at the cross of Jesus.  The Apostle Peter quotes almost the same words in I Peter 5:7


Tuesday, January 4, Psalm 56

  1. 4, 11, 13 — The worst that mortal man can do to us is rob us of our earthly life. However, trusting in Jesus, we can go through life unafraid of men and death. That’s because Jesus alone has conquered sin, death and hell and restored to us Paradise.  Other comforting verses that assure us of this are Psalm 23:4 and Rom. 8;1, 11, 37-39.


Wednesday, January 5, Psalm 57

  1. 10 — It’s extremely comforting that the Lord’s love reaches to the heavens. God revealed His unsurpassing love in sending us Jesus. That love was fulfilled when Jesus gave His life at Calvary’s cross to free us from sin and death, and to open to us eternal life.  Had that love stayed earth-bound, our faith would be in vain.  Jesus’ ascension into heaven assures us it reaches to heaven.  He now is our Mediator at God’s right hand. The result is that God, in grace, through Jesus’ reconciling work of redemption, pours down upon us His saving love, assuring us that we are His for time and for eternity.
  2. 11 — Think how tiny our glorious achievements are in comparison to God’s! God’s glory is over all the earth! He is exalted above the heavens, which are distances so great we human beings aren’t able to entirely comprehend them.  God’s greatest glory is revealed at Calvary’s cross and on that first Easter Sunday.


Thursday, January 6, Psalm 58

Vv. 6-7 — While our prayers, too, can be as harsh as David’s against the wicked and evil of this world, at the same time, we also need daily to pray, “Thy kingdom come.”  For the wicked to be converted, they need first to feel God’s anger against their sin through the Law, so they see their wickedness and the need for a Savior.  Once that happens, only then will they be receptive to the Gospel which God will send them in answer to our prayer, “Thy kingdom come.”


Friday, January 7, Psalm 59

  1. 9 — God is a fortress and a refuge. Once we are in God’s fortress, we are completely safe and secure. It’s God’s love in Christ that built that refuge or fortress.  There is no finer, safer refuge than God’s unfailing promises in John 3:16 and Rom. 5:1,2.

Vv. 16-17 — Human strength is fragile.  Trusting in human strength, we cannot overcome the devil, the world and our flesh.  David experienced the shortcoming of his strength and the mighty invincible durability of God’s strength in his life.  That’s why he confessed and sang of God’s strength in vv. 16-17. Excellent Good Friday readings are Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53.


Saturday, January 8, Psalm 60

  1. 4 — The Lord had “raised a banner” for those who fear him. A banner was a rallying point for troops in battle often leading them into the action. A beautiful description of the Lord’s banner is in Rev. 19:11-16.
  2. 8 — Moab, Edom, and Philistia were perpetual enemies of Israel. That Moab became a washbasin meant that it was humbled by God. It became like a household basin in which one washed his feet.  Our perpetual enemies are the devil, the world and our sinful flesh.  They, too, become like a washbasin when we cling to Jesus, our Savior.  He’s crushed our enemies for us, as the hymnist wrote in hymn 151 v. 1:

“Triumphant from the grave Rose Jesus, strong to save.

He crushed, O Christian, mark it well, Sin, Satan, Death and Hell.

Now sing your glad song And joyous praise to Him prolong!”